Pack Opening #5

Pack Opening banner.jpg

Happy Thursday to everyone. As promised Im back with 5 more packs. I have to say that Im enjoying this. Id like to make it a monthly thing. Maybe do it 1 week out of every month, or maybe 1 big opening every month. We'll see... For now lets finish this week in stunning fashion!

Thursdays pack opening results:
5 packs 4.jpg

Notable pulls:
1x Iza the Fanged (Legendary)
1x Thaddius Brood (Summoner)
1x Epic

So today was kinda great! My 3rd LEGENDARY and another summoner. Also, the Forgotten One, one of my favorite epics in the set!
See you all tomorrow for our last day opening 5 packs, Saturday we end the week opening 20 packs! Dont miss it!


Pack Opening series post:
Pack Opening #1
Pack Opening #2
Pack Opening #3
Pack Opening #4

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