Pack Opening #1

Pack Opening banner.jpg

Hi! I'm iasplan and I want to start a weekly pack opening to see what results I get. As of now I can only afford to open Chaos Legion packs, but I want to expand into Untamed, Dice, Beta and maybe someday even Alpha. I'm not aiming to gain profit opening packs, I just want to have some fun and engage with the Splinterlands community. Also, ill use these new cards to upgrade my deck to max Bronze level so I can compete with a better chance in tournaments.

What I'm planning to do is opening some packs every single day for this week. After the first week, I plan on doing an opening once a week. If I see good feedback and likes Ill even do some giveaways and make this a weekly event!

This weeks pack opening plan:
Sunday: 15 packs
Monday: 5 packs
Tuesday: 5 packs
Wednesday: 5 packs
Thursday: 5 packs
Friday: 5 packs
Saturday: 20 packs
Total: 60 packs

Sundays pack opening result:

15 packs.jpg

Notable pulls:
1x Uriel (Legendary)
1x Fungus Fiends (Legendary)
2x Kelya Frendul (Summoner)
1x Thaddius Brood (Summoner)
1x GOLD FOIL Chaos Agent (Common)
7x Epics

Not bad for the inaugural pack opening! Uriel is one of the few legendary cards I didnt own. Also, 3 summoners are great since they are costly to upgrade. All the epics are great since they dont come with the cards Splinterlands provide us for playing, so owning them gives you an edge against players that dont. I'm pretty happy with this opening!

Ill see you all tomorrow for the second pack opening!

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