Every good Rift, CL and Dice Monster with Astral Entity

Every cunning strategy for Astral Entity

A Legendary Summoner that debuffs enemy Armor points, adds the Dodge ability to all of your team and resurrects a Monster. It's clearly a Summoner you want to use when building high Speed teams while battling on the Splinterlands crypto game.


Two good Monsters you can use with Astral Entity from the Riftwatchers edition are Raa and Kain Hace.

Raa is a Flying Monster. Because it already has Flying, the addition of Dodge makes it hard to connect attacks against him, because the chance to miss an attack isn't diminishingly multiplied. This additive mechanic allows Death and Neutral Monsters to avoid many attacks without having high Speed.

Kain Hace is fragile and has the Redemption Ability. Astral Entity's ressurection can easily fix how easily Kain Hace dies to Monsters using Opportunity attacks when combined with Monsters like Tower Griffin that add Armor points to Kain.

Chaos Legion

Lira the Dark doesn't want to be stopped by Armor points. Since Astral Entity shreds enemies' Armor, she's free to kill, possibly on her first attack, anything she comes in contact with.

Gem Meteor is a lot like Lira the Dark. It's an even better choice than Lira when you think or you know your opponent will abuse Armor in their strategy, so you can still strike damage even if you encounter a lot of Armor points. That's because of Gem Meteor's Piercing ability, which Lira lacks.

Supply Runner boosts your team's Speed so they can crush enemy unarmored Monsters before they get a chance to strike back. Astral Entity relies mostly on the Sneak, Opportunity and Scattershot abilities, but it won't do any good if you're Monsters end up dying first instead.

Riftwing is already a heck of a tank that can even dodge many attacks - but it doesn't have the Dodge ability. Adding high speed with Flying and Dodge ramps up its Backfire ability even further.

Silent Sha-Vi may be the best Monster available when you want to use Astral Entity. Both its speed and its attack damage are too damn high, so strikes are going to hurt a lot against any enemy Monster it touches.


Battering Ram might seem silly with Astral Entity since it already has Shatter, but if you're putting together a team based on the Opportunity ability to stack up attacks on critically weak spots, 2 damage for 2 Mana adds up with the rest of your team at a low Mana cost.

Last, but not least, Cthulhu is another slow moving Monster with only 1 Speed that has the Flying ability. Usually frail despite its high Health, Cthulhu now becomes a lot more resilient, ranking up its chance to dodge attacks from 20% to 40%.

images' source: https://splinterlands.com/

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