2024 Battle Of The Day 162/366


Thanks for coming to my daily #Splinterlands Battle of the Day #BOTD for your reading and watching enjoyment.

BATTLE LINK -- June 10, 2024 -- Day 162 of 366 vs. @lorkus

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Today's battle is from Modern Champion 3 with 26 mana available and three rulesets: Tis but Scratches, Manuveurs, and Briar Patch. Only the fire and earth elements were available for team selection, so summoner choices were somewhat narrow. Of course, plenty of interesting battle decisions went into selecting my lineup, but the true reason I chose this as my BOTD -- I beat the player Lorkus with the summoner he created and named after himself!

Lorkus definitely earned its status as the featured card of the battle. The additional magic attack was a big boost for my low mana weapons training play in the middle of my lineup, essentially providing 9 power of combined magic attack from three monsters costing only 8 mana.

But the true key to this battle was giving Venka the life leech ability. Typically, melee monsters are avoided in Briar Patch rules because the thorn damage will quickly kill off any melee monster that doesn't have reflection shield or high armor. Venka has neither of those abilities. However, the life leech ability provided to Venka from Lorkus was essential to keeping Venka alive attack after attack. Venka would take two damage from thorns, but gain three health from life leech, so each attack meant Venka gained an additional health. My opponent's first two monsters did not have an attack, so Venka's oppress ability came in clutch, too.

Although my plan to put a magic reflect monster as tank didn't work out since my opponent didn't have any magic attack monsters, it did have enough health to prevent their Venka from trampling through my lineup on its first attack. That was just good enough! Between my beefy magic attack and the strength of Venka's trample + life leech, my potent attack force made quick work of my opponent's team to take down the battle! Sorry Lorkus, your summoner is too good!

Enjoy the content? Leave a like/comment and check out BOTD 161 from yesterday!

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If you're curious about any of the guilds I belong to, I've linked the pictures below with an invite to each guild's Discord servers.

Come by, give me a shout, and check us out!

Proud member of the original KoG alliance guild, Tier 5 Brawlers, and the Top-ranked guild in Splinterlands: @shield-of-glory


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Proud member of YGG Brawlers (Niðavellir), 1 of 7 elite Brawler guilds within the Yield Guild Games Splinterlands alliance: @yggspl-official


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Proud member of my 1st guild and a recent YGG member,
the always affable YGG 420 Fam, on Hive as @the420syndicate.

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Templates were used, AI was not!
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Image Credit: @Splinterlands
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