Splinterlands - Weekly SHARE YOUR BATTLE Challenge - Theme: Blast

Hello Friends,



How are you all doing? I hope you are enjoying the Splinterlands battles from HIVE nodes, well, I haven't experienced any issues so far and hope the same with you.
Here I am with another blog for Splinterlands Weekly Challenge with new theme of ability instead of a monster and the theme is Blast.


We have many monsters with Blast for each of the Splinters and we do have a Summoner as well which induces blast ability in all the monsters it summons.
OK then, let's see the details of each of those monsters from each splinter, but first, I would like to write about the all new Summoner with Blast enabling.


Yodin Zaku, The Summoner:

Who doesn't love this Summoner? This is kinda enforcer and crowd puller and conqueror I can say because of it's brutal force of inducing the blast ability in all the monsters it calls and also encourages them by increasing the health and promotes it's own ranged monsters by increasing their attack by one.
Virtually, it's impossible or I can say very difficult to win a battle against this summoner and even a mediocre lineup looks formidable when that lineup is summoned by this summoner!!!


BLAST monsters:

We have seen about the formidable Yodin Zaku SUmmoner, let's see each of the splinters with Blast monsters.

Fire Splinter:

Fire splinter has some of the more explosive blast monsters like Elemental Phoenix, Exploding Dwarf, Fire Demon, Pyromancer, Pyromaniac, Fire Elemental oh that is an extensive list, rght?
**Elemental Phoenix:


A magic monster which gives gains blast ability from second level and gives 4 magic attack at level 4 and speed of 5 from the beginning makes it more dangerous and early attacker.

Flying and Retaliate abilities makes it even more dangerous.

Exploding Dwarf:


One of the cheapest yet more powerful blast monsters and I have to say that, it's one of the most used blast monsters especially in Melee Mayhem and Super Sneak and yes, now in Equalizer battles as well because of it's piercing, retaliate and even trample abilities, which may account for removal of upto 4 monsters in a round!!!!

Fire Demon:


A ranged attack monster as powerful as the above 2 mentioned. The good thing with this is, it doesn't get bothered whether there is melee or ranged or magic attack monster is there infront of it and treats all of them equally by attacking them and escapes from thorns and retaliate and hence more effective compared to the above 2.

At level 6, it gives 4 ranged attack and ofcourse, one of the medium used monsters.



An Untamed version monster with good enough health of 5 to start with and gives a maximum ranged attack of 4 from level 5 onwards although a bit less on speed side with constant speed of 2.



Another untamed version ranged monster but quite different compared to others as it's a sneak monster and keeps attacking from back end of the lineup.
It's a balanced one in terms of attack, speed and health as it gives 4 ranged attack and has 5 speed and 5 health at level 6.
Oh, forgot to mention, the blast ability is available in level 5 and 6 only.

Fire Elemental:


Another ranged attack blast monster with a maximum of 3 attack and good speed, but the notable thing in this monster is it's additional abilities of affliction and redemption.


Water Splinter:

Water splinter has Ruler of the Seas, Pirate Archer and Electric Eels as the blast monsters.

Ruler of the Seas:


One of the best Splinterlands monsters, provides a max of 5 magic attack and provides speed to all fellow monsters and also reduces the magic attack of opponent's monsters with silence ability. It's a must have monster.

Pirate Archer:


A ranged attack monster with max of 2 attack, particularly useful when 2 MANA is left to cover :)

Electric Eels:


Electric Eels is particularly good for low MANA cap battles as it can be used with Spineback Turtle. It's speed of 4 from second level is good for low MANA battles and it can give a max of 3 melee attack from level 7 and yes, blast is available from level 5 only.


Earth Splinter:

Earth Splinter has Minotaur Warlord as the only blast monster, a bit of strange but true.
Minotaur Warlord:


Although bit high on MANA cost, this monster is a heavy hitter with max of 5 melee attack and it comes with abilities of retaliate and Return Fire besides the blast. Particularly useful with Super Sneak and Melee Mayhem battles with 99 or 40+ MANA cap I think.


Life Splinter:

Life Splinter has High Priest Darius as the only blast monster.
High Priest Darius:


This is the second Life Splinter monster with resurrect ability and also have weaken ability besides blast.
It's 4 magic attack will be more than handy, but if it's against Water splinter, it may lose out on health in 3 rounds, thus that may be a drawback for this monster.


Death Splinter:

Death Splinter has Screaming Banshee as lone blast monster.
Screaming Banshee:


It's a magic monster with blast ability with MANA cost of 3.

I feel it's one of the underused death splinter monsters may be because of it's low statistics in terms of attack, speed and health.


Dragon Splinter:

Dragon Splinter comes with Gold Dragon, Lightning Dragon and Gloridax Magus as blast monsters.
Gold Dragon:


One of the high cost monsters with nice magic attack of 3(increases to 4 at level 4) and health of 8 with abilities retaliate and healing and since it's also a flying monster, there are more chances of this missing a hit from opponent's monsters.

Lightning Dragon:


Another monster used by most of the top ranked battlers for it's stun and piercing abilities along with blast and like most of the Dragon Splinter monsters, it's also a flying monster.

It gives decent 3 ranged attack and is best in speed with 6.

Gloridax Magus:


A monster with less attack but more abilities like knock out, shatter and blind along with blast.
This can give a max of 2 magic attack and has 6 health although just 2 speed.


Neutral Monsters:

Gremlin Blaster is the lone blast monster under Neutral monsters.

Gremlin Blaster:


Another not much used monster at low level because of lesser statistics, but can be handy from level 5 onwards with blast and stun abilities especially helpful in melee mayhem and super sneak battles to stun high attack monsters.

Whoa!!!!! that completes the analysis of all blast monsters.


Battle and Lineup:



As we can see above, this battle was a Melee Mayhem type with 38 MANA cap best suited for melee mayhem battles.

I use Water Splinter magic monsters most of the time when I see there is huge MANA cap is there.
My lineup was as below:


1. Lord Arianthus:


Since this was a melee mayhem battle, I used this in front position as it withstands melee attack for being shield monster.

2. Sea Monster:


Backup for front monster and also for it's useful 5 melee attack with healing void, retaliate and thorn abilities.

3. Goblin Mech:

Any melee mayhem or *super sneak battles will have this monster as it can stun the monster it attacks and also can pierce thru the armors and reduce health.

4. Ruler of the Seas:


Most widely used Water Splinter monster.
When leveled up to level 4, it gives 4 *magic attack, reduces the magic attack of opponent with silence ability and it also adds speed for fellow monsters with swift ability.
Along with other melee monsters, this monster gave me good attack and it's also, this week's featured monster and hence, I made use of this.

5. Mermaid Healer:


Mermaid Healer besides giving 2 magic attack, also heals all friendly monsters in second line and hence, this is used in this position.

6. Crustacean King:


A healer which also gives those all important armors which will be significant in this kind of melee mayhem battles.

It's also important for me to give a brief info about opponent's monsters.
He used Bortus Summoner with monsters Lord Arianthus, Frozen Soldier, Sea Monster, Ruler of the Seas, Crustacean King and Water Elemental.



Round 1:

Round 1 didn't have much surprises as for as attack is concerned and none of the monsters lost in this round as Lord Arianthus from both side were able to withstand the attack from melee and magic monsters.
For me, usage of Mermaid Healer was crucial in saving the magic monster Ruler of the Seas by restoring some portion of it's health.


Round 2:

Lord Arianthus from both sides lost early and Frozen Soldier and Sea Monster up and battling from front, but Goblin Mech's usage gave me an upper hand.


Round 3:

Frozen Soldier and Sea Monster from opponent's lineup were removed early thanks to Ruler of the Seas and co.


Round 4:

It was another double blow for the opponent as he lost Ruler of the Seas and Crustacean King early in this round and Earth Elemental being a ranged attack monster, was facing the axe to be removed in next round.


Round 5:

As expected, Earth Elemental removed in this round to give me a sweet win!!!



Did my strategy work? What will I try differently next time?

Yes, it worked according to the plan and I can say each one of those monsters played crucial role in this win and hence, I feel this is a better combination for the MANA cap and battle scenario.

Do I use BLAST often? Why or why not?

Definitely, Opportunity and Blast monsters gives me more win and hence the usage.

Now I know, this is the lengthiest blog I have written, but it's worth explaining all blast monsters here.

I hope you didn't feel bored reading this, do let me know if so.

Happy Friday in advance and Take Care Friends


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