Splinterlands Giveaway #4 - More Opportunities to Strike Gold

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Enter Giveaway #4 for your chance at a Gold Foil card

There were a total of 33 entrants for Giveaway #3. Not enough to reach the Gold Foil level, but enough to award three winners. It was a bit disappointing to not giveaway the Gold Foil card this go around, so this week I'm going to give away the two cards that didn't qualify for this week's giveaway. Before getting into the details of the next giveaway, let me present last week's winners.



🎉 Congratulations to the three winners. Your Pelacor Deceivers have been sent.

Thanks to all who entered:
@amaillo-m @henruc @litrydow @bacon-dub @jmehta @davideownzall @luizeba @filuris @stamato @edgerik @lorddiablo @caimanx @andy-plays @eddqq @squishna @eijibr @theacks @helicopter-d @relf87 @chaosbug @karizma @madjimmy @DUB-C @asrullpare @eman13088 @beelmukjj @bigbarger @yasky @salamera @n0chance4u

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Another Opportunity to Win

Since we fell 18 entries short of 50 last week there is still one regular foil Pelacor Deceiver and a Gold Foil left from last week's pot. This week I am going to forego the entry limit and award these two cards to two separate winners. This means that next week there will be a guaranteed winner of a Gold Foil card!

How to Enter

1️⃣ Comment below
2️⃣ Include your IGN if different from your username

That's it. I will announce the winner shortly after the time this post pays out. An upvote is not required but would be greatly appreciated. Also not required, but I always appreciate getting a discussion going in the comment section. With the end of the next season a week away, what do you hope to pull out of your end of season chests?

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My Recent Posts:

🏆 Splinterlands Tournaments - Jump in and Try One - A short Splinterlands tournament how-to.

⚔️ Life is Hard When Your Name is Chaos - Sharing a few battles against Chaos Knight. This was my first post with a video of some play by play for one of the battles.

💡 Thursday Silly Splinterlands Tip - A quick tip for finding Splinterlands card images


Thumbnail created by me using Canva

Thanks for reading!

If you are not yet playing Splinterlands, give it a go here!

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