Life is Hard When Your Name is Chaos

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Splinterlands share your battle - Chaos Knight - Trying something new and sharing one battle with a video follow along


🌟 Level 1
⚔️ 2 Melee Attack
🏃 2 Speed
🛡️ 3 Armor
❤️ 4 Health
🛡️ Reduced Damage from Melee & Ranged


Chaos Knights are most often found at the front line of the Chaos Legion's invading forces, although they are sometimes enlisted to defend garrisons, leadership, and other high-value assets. They are heavily armored and wield massive battle axes that are able to cut down even the mightiest of foes....

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Life is Hard

This was a tough week for me to share. Life is probably my least played splinter. I've been so focused the past few weeks on building up my Water and Fire splinter cards that I have relegated Life to the bottom of the deck. I considered forging my own path this week and sharing another card, but I choose to mix it up another way and share three battles in which I went up against Chaos Knight. I'm also going to try something new and share one of the battles using a 3Speak video.

Chaos Knight is an interesting card to have to plan to defend. The teams I face tend to use the card as a tank to allow the ranged cards, typically buffed by General Sloan, to do their thing safe in the back. That means a proper defense needs to have some snipe, opportunity or sneak monsters to take out the soft range cards, but also have some might or magic to get through Chaos Knight's defenses.

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Chaos Tries to Hold the Line and Breaks

This battle I wasn't quite sure what was coming at me so I choose Mylor to protect against melee. In case of some magic I choose Unicorn Mustang and Mushroom Seer. I was wrong on both accounts, but my opponents choice of Chaos Knight in this instance was their downfall. With a mana cap of 17, between General Sloan and Chaos there is only seven mana left for the rest of the lineup. I didn't make the best choices, but the soft cards behind Chaos, paired with very slow speed, which led to many misses, my opponent just couldn't last long enough. The weakness of Range not being able to attack from the first position was the final nail in the coffin.

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The Need for Speed

This battle offered a higher mana count and my opponent was able to put more speed and fire power behind Chaos. The extra speed and firepower meant their Taunt monster stood longer than mine and I didn't stand a chance once my tank fell. This battle helps show how Chaos can shine as a shield. That double strike ability that Arbalest has, paired with Sloan's buff, is tough but with only two life it needs a lot of protection. Add Shieldbearer's Taunt and you now have a tank and a back up. The caveat is that you need a high mana count for this pair to be playable.

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Bring a Bigger Stick

I'm trying something new and sharing this last battle with a bit of play by play video. I would like to start using 3Speak, but I was having issues getting it to recognize my recording, so that will have to come another time.

If you prefer to follow along at your own speed without my commentary here you go. I was up against a very similar lineup as the previous battle, but I brought some bigger friends. My opponent is again trying to use Shieldbearer and Chaos to protect the soft range cards. The Super Sneak ruleset and my large amount of melee damage made it easy to bust this strategy this time around.

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Wrap Up

Diving deeper into Chaos Knight battles has given me a deeper respect for this card. As I already admitted, I don't play Life as often as the other splinters and don't give it it's full due. As a Chaos legion common it is currently selling for roughly $0.07 cents, $1.40 for a gold foil version. A fully maxed out version would set you back $34.22.

From level nine up the addition of Inspire and Giant Killer would make this a very intriguing play with four melee attack, five armor and six health for six mana. I have gained a deeper respect for not only Chaos Knight, but the Life splinter as a whole by studying the above battles. This game never ceases to amaze me at the depth that is involved in what at face value seems to be a simple card game.

My Recent Posts:

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🥽 Splinterlands - Read This Before You Dive in Head First - Some resources I wish I had found sooner when I started playing Splinterlands

🔚 End of Season Recap - Recap of my previous Splinterlands season.

🎁 Check Out Giveaway #3 for a Chance at gold - My latest giveaway with a chance for a gold foil card.


Thumbnail created by me using Canva

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