Week 6 In The Splinterlands: Reward Card Refresh!


It's a new week and a new season in the Splinterlands. Check out my Week 5 recap here if you missed it. Now, on to Week 6!

New Reward Cards

The big news from this week was the addition of a whole new batch of cards to the Reward set! Prices were very inflated at the beginning, so I sold nearly every new card I got during the first couple days. I managed to pull a Harklaw on day 2, which sold for $30! Now Harklaws are selling for half that, so I'd say it was the right decision.


Out of the cards I haven't sold, I think I like the Venari Bonesmith best. I don't play Death very often, but when I have, I've often tried to make Ancient Lich work. Whether successful or not, I just really like having a monster with the Life Leech ability to steal health from the enemies, However, at 7 mana, the Ancient Lich can be a little pricy, especially if he gets targeted early and killed before he can build up health. At 4 mana, the Venari Bonesmith is like the Lich's little brother, so I've enjoyed either using him alongside the Lich or as a lower-mana replacement in my Death decks.

Lava Launcher_lv1.png

Out of the cards I haven't gotten the chance to try yet, I really like Lava Launcher. It costs a hefty 9 mana, but for that price you get 3 ranged damage and 3 speed, which is already great. Then you also have Close Range, which I usually think of as a a last ditch ability to get one more turn to win after your tanks are dead. But Lava Launcher actually has the health and armor to back up that ability and last for a few turns up front. As it turns out, someone in my guild just gifted me a copy while I was typing this post, so I look forward to trying him out tomorrow!

Update: Click here to see my first battles trying out Lava Launcher with Yodin Zaku.

Brawl Number Two

My guild is still working on building our Store so we can start earning merits, but in the meantime we've fought our second brawl. It was mostly uneventful and only earned us 5 crowns in the end, but I did get to experience a perfect fray.


Sure, my fray was only filled by 6 guilds. And yeah, only 3 of my opponents actually set a team for me to battle. Nevertheless, I went 5-0 for the brawl and I'm happy about it. I actually lucked out a little bit, because one of my rentals was canceled right after I used it in 2 of my teams, which I think can result in a flee. However, one of my enemies set their team right away so I could complete the battle before my rental expired, and the other never set a team at all, so I managed to get away with it. Next time I might try to set my teams later so there is less of a window for my rentals to end.

Ranked Season 4


The new ranked season has gone well so far. I'm already in Silver I with almost 12 days left. I'm not sure how long it took to get there last time, but Silver I is where I sat all season until making a push to Gold III on the last day, so I'm happy to already be in position. I'm also happy to report that DEC rewards have somewhat recovered. They aren't as high as they have been in the past, but they're at least back in the 10-15 DEC per battle range. It's high enough that I can keep holding on to my expensive rentals for the time being.

The DEC Dip Continues

Speaking of DEC, the dip in price from last week is still in effect. Because of the increased dollar/DEC ratio, I've been trying to sell off some more cards and increase my DEC supply for airdrops. I might also buy some extra with the Hive from my blog posts.


Considering there are many players with hundreds of thousands of staked SPS and that I barely have 100, I don't think I have much chance at the Chaos Legion presale. Nevertheless, it can't hurt to accumulate as much SPS as possible, just in case. Until we know the exact details of how many presale vouchers will be available and how they will be distributed, there's always a chance. Plus the SPS itself has value, so I can always sell it off later if I don't have a use for it.

Until Next Time

And that's all I've got for this week. Thanks for reading, and I hope you'll join me again for next week's recap!

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