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Week 5 In The Splinterlands: First Time Brawler


Another week has passed in the Splinterlands. Check out my Week 4 recap here if you missed it. Now, on to Week 5!

First Time Brawler

This week my guild got to experience our first Brawl. We managed to build our Arena quickly enough that I think we only missed one opportunity to play since Brawls 2.0 was released. As we are all new players with limited cards available, it was interesting to try to fill our 13 frays. We spent a while shuffling around to try to fulfill whatever requirements we could, and eventually assigned players to 11 of the frays, leaving the gold foil ones undefended,


I filled a silver fray with no special rules, and wound up going 5-2 in the combat phase. Only 3 were real wins though, as 2 of my opponents fled without entering their battles. I'll still take the result though. Overall, our guild placed fifth in the brawl and earned 8 crowns. It's a start. I look forward to getting our level 1 Store built so we can start earning some merits from our brawls too. It may be some ways in the future, but I am already looking forward to buying my first Gladius pack.

The Final Quest Potion

This week sadly also marked the end of my quest potion supply. However, the very last potion rewarded me with exactly the card I've been waiting for, Axemaster.

Axemaster is by far the best of the dwindling reward cards, so I'm very excited to finally get one to drop. In fact, I was excited enough to write a whole post about him. Here's another fun battle I had with him too. Really great card, and I'm sure I'll be using him a lot in the future.

Alas, that was still the last of my quest potions, and their loss hurts. I plan on staying in Silver I until the end of this season, so without potions I've dropped from 9 daily chests all the way down to 4 for now. At least with the new set of reward cards coming out in a couple days, those 4 chests should be a little more exciting. I'm really looking forward to the change to a 50% reward card drop rate. I may even buy another quest potion or two just for the excitement of opening a few extra reward cards. It isn't a great use of DEC, but it still might be fun.



Speaking of DEC, with the price of Bitcoin falling recently, DEC has followed suit. DEC prices have consistently been above $0.007 since I started playing, but as of the time of this writing it is now at $0.00531. Since I recently liquidated most of my collection for DEC, this took its toll on my account. However, the card market also started falling before DEC prices did, so I was able to scoop up some cheaper cards that I am continuing to hold for the moment. Hopefully DEC prices rise once more, but if not I will just start rebuilding again in the new economy. If nothing else, lower DEC prices might make it actually worth buying those quest potions again at some point to get more of those new reward cards.

Ranked Season 3


Along with DEC prices, DEC ranked rewards have also fallen significantly this week. I'm currently earning about 25% of the rewards per battle that I was getting a week ago. However, I'm still paying for all the same rentals, so I am now operating at a big net loss each day. I'm going to ride it out until the end of the season and rank up to Gold III for the final day before deciding whether I want to change things up. Maybe the new reward cards can replace some of the cards I'm currently renting, or maybe DEC rewards will bounce back in the new season. If nothing changes, I'll have to drop my most expensive rentals, because things just aren't sustainable the way they are now. Something to think about for sure. I'm ready to adapt, I just need to be confident which way the wind is blowing first.

Until Next Time

And that's all I've got for this week. Thanks for reading, and I hope you'll join me again for next week's recap to see how it all turned out!

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