The Heavy Hitters Ruleset - Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge!

Greetings to all and sundry on this great platform, I welcome you all to my blog and today I write to participate in this week's battle mage secrets weekly challenge. I am very happy to be part of the Splinterlands family. I hope that you guys would like my entry. Without much ado, I would like to go straight to the purpose of this post. Today, the battle ruleset is "Heavy Hitters" and I would submit my entry to that here in this post including a video of my battle.

I designed this using canva


Per the ruleset of the game, All Monsters have the Knock Out ability. I used my account @abu78 to participate in this battle. I play in the Diamond league of the Wild Format. Before I demonstrate the battle here, let's briefly examine the game's Ruleset.

Heavy Hitters


Ruleset IconDescription
Heavy Hitters
All Monsters have the Knock Out ability. Use a monster with a Stun ability. There is a 50% chance that your monster with Stun will be able to stun enemy monsters, but if successful, all your monsters will deal double damage to that stunned opponent.
Equal Opportunity
All Monsters have the Opportunity ability. Speed and HP is the trick here: higher speed will let you target enemy's low HP monster first, opening the way for your slower monsters to deal damage to higher HP enemy monsters. Keep lower HP monsters in front. Monsters who have two attack types should always be preferred.
Return Fire
When hit with a Ranged attack, Monsters with Return Fire will return reduced damage back to their attacker Damage returned is equal to the damage of attacker divided by 2, rounded up. Summoner Lir Deepswimmer gives this ability to every friendly monster at the start of a battle.

My Opponent's Team Line-up



My Team's Line-Up




I chose the "Lobb Lowland summoner". It was a 54-mana game condition and I had to manage my card selection to suit that. I chose the Lobb Lowland summoner so that my opponent's monsters would have a decrease in health and also an opportunity to add a gladius monster was given. My team lineup comprised Unicorn Mustang, Fungus Flinger, Quora Towershead, Grund, Venari Marksrat, and Kron the Undying.

1st Position:

Unicorn Mustang, this card has the void ability. It is an 8-mana monster with a speed of 4, 3 melee attack damage, and 10 health with 0 armor protection.

What Transpired in the Battle:

First, monsters took their effect from the summoner by reducing the speed of my opponent's monsters. My opponent's lineup comprised six monsters including the Cursed Windeku, Phantom Soldier, Spirit Miner, Ancient Lich, Dhampir Stalker, and Octopider.

In the first round, the Unicorn Mustang monster attacked the Cursed Windeku monster, followed by a magic and a melee attack from the Quora Towershead monster, which eliminated the Ancient Lich monster. Before the round ended, the Spirit Miner and the Phantom Soldier both attacked and eliminated my two martyr monster after which increased the stats of the adjacent monsters.

Round 2: At the end of the first round, we both had four monsters each on our respective team lineup. In this round, the Quora Towershead with the highest speed attacked and eliminated the Cursed Windeku monster, after which the Grund monster double attacked and eliminated another monster from my opponent's lineup.

At the end of the round, my opponent was left with two monsters while I had four more monsters left.

Round 3:
In this round, I knew I would emerge victorious and nothing could stop me from winning the battle. Quora Towershead monster with the first attack was able to eliminate one monster after which the Unicorn Mustang then eliminated the last monster.

Thank you all for your time and attention while reading my post. A link to my battle is provided here Battle Link

All cards and ruleset images were taken from here Splintercards


I designed this using canva

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