I wrote a short story inspired by the instrumental song "Bridge": "The Persecution" [ENG/ESP]

Once again I had a stroke of inspiration while listening to music and although these themes are very short because they serve as a "bridge", they gave me ideas to write something. I've had the idea for days and it hasn't let go so I had to get it down before it haunts my dreams as well. The tracks are completely instrumental and are called "Bridge #1" and "Bridge #3" by composer Yuki Kajiura. As in my previous writing, I hope you will listen to the songs while reading to make the story more dynamic.

Nuevamente tuve un golpe de inspiración mientras escuchaba música y aunque estos temas son muy cortos porque sirven de “puente”, me dieron ideas para escribir algo. La idea la he tenido desde hace días y no me ha soltado así que tuve que plasmarlo antes de que me atormentara en sueños también. Los temas son completamente instrumentales y se llaman “Bridge #1” y “Bridge #3” de la compositora Yuki Kajiura. Como en mi escrito anterior, espero escuchen las canciones mientras leen para hacer más dinámica la historia.

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Bridge #1


He couldn't stop. Jason ran as fast as his legs would carry him, dodging any obstacle in his path. Every now and then he would turn his head to see if his pursuer was still behind him only to realize that person wasn't slowing down either. His breath was getting more and more ragged, sweat was flying as he ran, he held his cell phone tightly in his hand and his wallet in the other.

He thought that knowing the city very well would give him an advantage to escape from whoever was chasing him but it wasn't worth much, he was just as fast and with enough stamina as he was. Jason was going in and out of narrow, dark alleys, not even because it was getting dark that gave him the assurance that he would be safe. Dogs barked, cats bristled, he didn't care about any of it and just kept running and jumping over any trash can he could find on his way.


No podía detenerse. Jason corría a toda la capacidad que sus piernas le permitían, esquivando cualquier obstáculo en su camino. De vez en cuando giraba su cabeza para ver si su perseguidor seguía tras él solo para darse cuenta que esa persona tampoco cedía en velocidad. Su aliento estaba cada vez más entrecortado, el sudor salía volando al correr, sostenía con fuerza el celular en su mano y la billetera en la otra.

Pensó que conocer muy bien la ciudad le daría una ventaja para poder escapar de quien lo persigue pero no valía de mucho, era tan rápido y con suficiente aguante como él. Jason entraba y salía de callejones estrechos y oscuros, ni siquiera porque estaba entrando la noche le daba la seguridad de que estaría a salvo. Los perros ladraban, los gatos se erizaban, no le daba importancia a nada de eso y solo seguía corriendo y saltando cualquier bote de basura que encontraba en su camino.


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He entered a quiet urbanization with wide streets but with several crossroads, he knew of a house that was abandoned and had a low gate, he just had to make sure that the guy did not see him enter. He began to run through the streets to escape from his sight and to tire him out even though he himself was feeling that he was losing his breath and that at any moment his body would give in to fatigue. As he was about to cross a corner he turned and realized that the guy was farther away from him than before, meaning that he was already at his limit. Jason took advantage of this to get to the house and go inside, his legs were already numb, his feet ached, he was nauseous and his shoelaces were about to come loose "Just... A little more. Come on, body!". He made it to the gate of the house, slipped the cell phone and wallet through the gap in the bars and climbed it as fast as he could, he threw himself from the highest part falling on his side, the pain of the impact almost made him scream but he held on and got up, picked up what he had thrown and skirted the house to get to the yard and enter through the back door. As he entered the dark house, full of dust and cobwebs, he grabbed an old chair and threw himself into it to catch his breath. Sweat ran all over his face, his clothes were soaked, his breathing was labored and ragged, his heart was beating so fast it felt like it was about to burst inside him, the skin on the soles of his feet was tender and his legs were trembling.

His vision was blurring, he thought he was about to faint. His lips were dry, he needed water but had no way of how to satiate that need. His fingers ran across his forehead wiping away the excess sweat, he combed his short curly hair with them, letting small droplets fall to the dusty floor. His back rested against the wooden back of the chair, she had no strength to do anything else. He rested for more than half an hour until he saw through the nearest window that night had fully set in. He was too thirsty so he decided to tie his shoes and stand up but the attempt to do so made his legs feel sore and tense, his side ached from the fall, he was sure he would have bruises that would hurt even more in the morning. He stretched and carefully walked back out the back door.

Entró en una urbanización tranquila y con calles amplias pero con varios cruces de caminos, él sabía de una casa que estaba abandonada y tenía el portón en baja altura, solo debía asegurarse que el sujeto no lo viera entrar. Empezó a solo correr entre las calles sea para escapar de su vista como para cansarlo más aunque él mismo estaba sintiendo que perdía el aliento y que en cualquier momento su cuerpo cedería al cansancio. Al estar por cruzar una esquina volteó y se dio cuenta que el sujeto estaba más lejos de él que antes, significando que estaba ya en su límite. Jason aprovechó esto para llegar hasta la casa y entrar, sus piernas estaban ya entumecidas, le dolían los pies, tenía náuseas y sus agujetas estaban a punto de soltarse “Solo… Un poco más ¡Vamos, cuerpo!”. Llegó hasta el portón de la casa, pasó el celular y la billetera por la separación de las rejas y lo escaló lo más rápido que pudo, se tiró desde la parte más alta cayendo sobre su costado, el dolor del impacto casi lo hizo gritar pero se aguantó y se levantó, recogió lo que había tirado y bordeó la casa para llegar al patio y entrar por la puerta trasera. Al entrar en la casa oscura, llena de polvo y telarañas, tomó una vieja silla y se tiró en ella a recuperar el aliento. El sudor recorría toda su cara, su ropa estaba empapada, su respiración era forzada y entrecortada, su corazón latía tan rápido que le parecía que estaba por estallar dentro de él, la piel en la planta de sus pies estaba sensible y sus piernas estaban temblorosas.

Su visión se hacía borrosa, creía que estaba por desmayarse. Sus labios estaban secos, necesitaba agua pero no tenía manera de como saciar esa necesidad. Sus dedos pasaban por su frente sacando el exceso de sudor, se peinaba su corto cabello rizado con ellos, dejando caer pequeñas gotas al suelo lleno de polvo. Su espalda reposaba contra el espaldar de madera de la silla, no tenía fuerzas para hacer más nada. Se quedó en reposo por más de media hora hasta que vio por la ventana más cercana que la noche había entrado completamente. Tenía demasiada sed así que decidió atar sus zapatos y ponerse de pie pero el intento de hacerlo le hizo sentir las piernas adoloridas y tensas, su costado le dolía por la caída, estaba seguro que tendría moretones que le dolerían aún más por la mañana. Se estiró y con mucho cuidado salió nuevamente por la puerta trasera.


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He advanced slowly and silently, not only to be careful in case his pursuer was still nearby, but also for the neighbors, to be seen would be the worst scenario at that moment. He glanced through the gate and saw no one, tucked the cell phone between his pants and underwear and climbed the gate again until he jumped over it. He was in pain but he couldn't pay attention to it, he started to walk looking constantly to the sides, when he turned the corner he saw about 20 meters away from him his pursuer, the guy started running towards him and Jason didn't hesitate to do the same. He didn't look back, he just kept going "Is he not giving up? How come he was still looking for me?" he was scared, he saw more clearly the possibility that he could catch him, he realized that his steps were slower, the pain in his side didn't let him run at the same pace. He was far from any possible hiding place. As it was night, the city must be more crowded, he decided to leave the urbanization and go into the city, although that would prevent him from running as he was doing.

Avanzó despacio y en silencio, no solo para tener cuidado en caso que su perseguidor siguiera cerca, sino también por los vecinos, que lo vieran sería el peor escenario en ese momento. Echó un vistazo por el portón y no vio a nadie, metió el celular entre su pantalón y ropa interior y escaló el portón nuevamente hasta saltarlo. Tenía dolores pero no podía darle atención, empezó a caminar viendo constantemente a los lados, al doblar en la esquina vio a unos 20 metros de él a su perseguidor, el sujeto emprendió una carrera hacia él y Jason no dudó en hacer lo mismo. No miraba atrás, solo seguía adelante “¿Es que no se rinde? ¿Cómo es que aún me buscaba?” estaba asustado, veía más clara la posibilidad de que lograra atraparlo, se dio cuenta que sus pasos eran más lentos, el dolor en el costado no lo dejaba correr al mismo ritmo. Estaba lejos de algún posible escondite. Como era de noche, la ciudad debe de estar más concurrida, decidió salir de la urbanización y adentrarse a la ciudad aunque eso evitaría que corriera como lo hacía.

Bridge #3

It was a risk, the nearest exit was just a straight street with high walls all around him, his pursuer would see him clearly and he would have no way to escape if he caught him, even so, it was worth it if his plan would bear fruit. He didn't look back, just kept going as fast as he could. He endured the pain trying to ignore it, sweat was running down his face, his hands were slippery and he tried not to fall because of the burning in his feet. He visualized cars passing by at the end of the street and people moving along the sidewalk. He was close, just a little further and he would cross the street as fast as possible even if he earned the insults of the drivers. He could hear his pursuer yelling at him to stop, he was close but he didn't want to see how close he was. "Just a little more, dammit!". When he was just a few meters away he saw a policeman enter the street as well, seeing him his eyes widened in surprise and he started to slow down. He was so focused on trying to get rid of that guy that he didn't think about the police. The officer watched him cautiously.

–"That's him, officer, that's the guy who robbed me!"– Jason's pursuer shouted. The officer upon hearing this took off in Jason's direction. He tried to escape by turning around but his pursuer was already behind him, between the two of them they tried to restrain him, Jason struggled to get loose but had no strength. The officer managed to subdue him and searched him getting the wallet in his pocket and the cell phone in his pants. –"Was this all he stole from you?"– he asked the young man. –"Yes, just that. Thank you very much officer."– He was also covered in sweat, his breathing was more agitated, and his hand was shaking as he tried to take the stolen items.

Jason had mugged that young man a little over an hour ago at the bus station, he was used to doing it and was confident that he knew the streets of the city well. He was unlucky that day and until that day he underestimated everyone else. Many charges surfaced when he was identified and he would spend several years in prison.

Era un riesgo, la salida más cercana era solo una calle recta con paredones altos a su alrededor, su perseguidor lo vería claramente y no tendría manera de escapar si lo agarraba, aun así, valía la pena si su plan lograba tener frutos. No miró atrás, solo siguió adelante lo más rápido que pudo. Aguantó el dolor tratando de ignorarlo, el sudor corría por su cara, sus manos estaban resbalosas y trató de no caer por el ardor en los pies. Visualizaba los autos pasar al final de la calle y a las personas circular por la acera. Estaba cerca, solo un poco más y cruzaría la calle lo más rápido posible aunque se ganara los insultos de los conductores. Escuchaba a su perseguidor gritarle que se detuviera, estaba cerca pero no quería ver cuán cerca estaba. “Solo un poco más, ¡joder!”. Cuando estaba a pocos metros vio a un policía entrar a la calle también, al verlo sus ojos se abrieron en sorpresa y empezó a reducir la velocidad. Estaba tan concentrado tratando de librarse de aquel sujeto que no pensó en la policía. El oficial lo observó con precaución.

–“Es él, oficial, ¡ese es el sujeto que me robó!”– Gritó el perseguidor de Jason. El oficial al oírlo se fue en dirección de Jason. Trató de escapar al darse la vuelta pero su perseguidor estaba ya detrás de él, entre los dos lo intentaron sujetar, Jason se esforzó en soltarse pero no tenía fuerzas. El oficial logró someterlo y lo registró consiguiendo la billetera en su bolsillo y el celular en su pantalón. –“¿Fue solo esto lo que le robó?”– Preguntó al joven. –“Si, solo eso. Muchas gracias oficial”. Estaba también cubierto en sudor, su respiración estaba más agitada, y su mano temblaba al intentar tomar los objetos robados.

Jason había asaltado a ese joven hace un poco más de una hora en la estación de buses, estaba acostumbrado a hacerlo y se confió que conocía bien las calles de la ciudad. Ese día no tuvo suerte y hasta ese día subestimó al resto de las personas. Muchos cargos aparecieron al ser identificado y pasaría varios años en prisión.


Photo by Kindel Media from Pexels

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