Escritorio vacío / Empty desk



Escritorio vacío

La escuela quedaba en una pequeña montaña, una larga carretera de tierra y piedras conectaba el pequeño caserío con la ciudad. Un viaje inolvidable que la maestra Olga debía realizar todos los días. Solo había una camioneta, vieja y desgastada, que servía como transporte, la cual no podía cargar muchos pasajeros porque perdía el equilibrio. Dado el camino rocoso, la camioneta iba saltando obstáculos, los golpes se sentían en las costillas y la espalda tanto del conductor como de los profesores y de los estudiantes.

Olga nunca conoció a sus verdaderos padres. Cuando tenía cinco años tuvo una familia adoptiva, con la cual estaba muy agradecida. Ahora tiene 40 años y vive sola, el amor no se ha cruzado con ella. Se enfocaba en regalar sonrisas y, aunque no tenía hijos, se dedicó a la docencia para canalizar su sentir con los niños. No ha dejado que los avatares del destino contaminen su alma.

Ella llegaba todos los días cansada a casa, todo su tiempo lo tenía dedicado a la enseñanza, los pequeños del cuarto grado se habían robado su corazón. Ella odiaba los hospitales y las revisiones médicas, pues ha escuchado malas experiencias. No quería enfocar su atención en eso, prefería estar en su computador investigando cómo provocar alegría a sus estudiantes. Ella estaba dedicada por completo a los demás, pues eso la hacía feliz.

Empty desk

The school was on a small mountain, a long road of dirt and stones connected the small village with the city. An unforgettable trip that the teacher Olga had to make every day. There was only one van, old and worn, that served as transport, which could not carry many passengers because it lost its balance. Given the rocky road, the truck was jumping obstacles, the blows were felt in the ribs and back of both the driver and the teachers and students.

Olga never met her real parents. When she was five years old she had an adoptive family, with whom she was very grateful. Now she is 40 years old and lives alone, love has not crossed her path. He focused on giving smiles and, although he did not have children, he dedicated himself to teaching to channel his feelings with children. He has not let the vicissitudes of fate contaminate his soul.

She came home tired every day, all her time was dedicated to teaching, the fourth graders had stolen her heart. She hated hospitals and medical check-ups, because she has heard about bad experiences. He didn't want to focus his attention on that, he preferred to be on his computer researching how to make his students happy. She was completely dedicated to others, because that made her happy.



Aunque debía caminar una distancia considerable. Siempre me ha gustado ir a la escuela, mi maestra Olga es muy buena. Ella es alta, rellenita, de piel morena, luce bien arreglada, pero, sin duda, su mejor vestuario es su sonrisa, con solo verla también se dibujaba una en mis labios. Nos realizaba un juego al llegar al salón, ella es muy amable con los niños, a su lado aprendíamos y nos divertíamos. Periódicamente nos llevaba a explorar los alrededores de la escuela, allí nos enseñaba sobre la vegetación y los animales salvajes.

Ella diariamente nos sorprendía con una actividad nueva, sus ojos grandes eran muy expresivos y tenían un brillo que daba una sensación de serenidad, irradiaba vida. Su sonrisa podía decorar el recinto académico. Éramos quince niños los que estábamos inscritos en su curso. El ambiente rural ayudaba a matizar la tranquilidad. En el aula no había desorden, salvo la algarabía propia de los niños cuando leen, ríen, cantan y aprenden.

Así pasaron dos meses, íbamos avanzando. Ya sabíamos multiplicar, dividir y analizamos cuentos sencillos. Teníamos un rincón de lectura, el cual acondicionamos entre todos, trajimos nuestros libros favoritos para hacer una biblioteca, también unos cojines de casa para sentarnos a escuchar la lectura de los compañeros y de la educadora. Ella nos obsequiaba dulces como recompensa por nuestro trabajo.

Although he had to walk a considerable distance. I have always liked going to school, my teacher Olga is very good. She is tall, plump, with dark skin, she looks well groomed, but, without a doubt, her best wardrobe is her smile, just seeing her also drew one on my lips. She played a game for us when we arrived at the classroom, she is very kind to the children, at her side we learned and had fun. Periodically he took us to explore the surroundings of the school, there he taught us about the vegetation and wild animals.

She surprised us every day with a new activity, her big eyes were very expressive and had a shine that gave a sense of serenity, radiated life. His smile could decorate the academic campus. We were fifteen children who were enrolled in his class. The rural atmosphere helped nuance the tranquility. There was no disorder in the classroom, except for the hubbub typical of children when they read, laugh, sing and learn.

So two months passed, we were making progress. We already knew how to multiply, divide and analyzed simple stories. We had a reading corner, which we set up together, we brought our favorite books to make a library, also some cushions from home to sit down to listen to the reading of the classmates and the educator. She gave us sweets as a reward for our work.



Un día, la maestra Olga se desmayó, nos asustamos, pero casi de inmediato se recuperó y volvió a sus labores como si nada. Los días transcurrían y podía observar cambios, empezó a perder peso y ahora traía un sombrero, quería ocultar que se le estaba cayendo el pelo. Me di cuenta porque un martes llegué muy temprano y decidí merodear un rato por el matorral que está atrás del colegio, allí vi a la maestra, escondida en un rincón, peinándose. Me quedé sorprendido y salí rápido de allí para que no me viera.

Pasaron dos semanas y su rostro ahora estaba pálido, su piel morena había cedido su color. Su ánimo también estaba decayendo, no tenía la misma energía. Ella intentaba disimular que no pasaba nada y sollozaba cuando creía que nadie la miraba. Siempre la buscaba con mis ojos para saber si estaba bien. Se me arrugaba el corazón al verla afligida. Mis padres, en casa, empezaron a notar mi desmotivación, pero yo no quería hablar con nadie.

Tiempo después había debilidad en su cuerpo y no podía mantener el equilibrio, en sus ojos ya no había brillo y su sonrisa se había marchitado. Me sentía muy melancólico, era como si le hubiesen robado su esencia. Mi mente estaba con mi maestra y aunque intentaba consolarla no sabía cómo. En el receso me acercaba a ella y solo me quedaba mirándola, un pedazo de mi alma se quebraba cuando veía que de sus ojos salían lágrimas.

La cotidianidad se volvió triste, las paredes se habían impregnado de nostalgia y melancolía. No había actividades divertidas y no aprendíamos al ritmo de antes. Y un buen día, ella no volvió, nos colocaron a una suplente y jamás fue lo mismo. La maestra Olga es irremplazable en mi corazón.

One day, the teacher Olga fainted, we were scared, but almost immediately she recovered and returned to her work as if nothing had happened. The days passed and he could see changes, he began to lose weight and now he was wearing a hat, he wanted to hide that his hair was falling out. I realized this because one Tuesday I arrived very early and decided to wander around the bush behind the school for a while, there I saw the teacher, hidden in a corner, combing her hair. I was surprised and quickly got out of there so he wouldn't see me.

Two weeks passed and his face was now pale, his brown skin had given up its color. His spirits were also falling, he didn't have the same energy. She tried to hide that nothing was happening and sobbed when she thought no one was looking at her. I always looked for her with my eyes to see if she was okay. My heart ached to see her afflicted. My parents, at home, began to notice my lack of motivation, but I didn't want to talk to anyone.

Some time later there was weakness in his body and he could not maintain his balance, his eyes no longer had a shine and his smile had faded. I felt very melancholy, it was as if his essence had been stolen. My mind was with my teacher and although I tried to comfort her I didn't know how. At recess I approached her and just stared at her, a piece of my soul broke when I saw tears coming out of her eyes.

Everyday life became sad, the walls had been impregnated with nostalgia and melancholy. There were no fun activities and we didn't learn at the pace we used to. And one fine day, she didn't come back, they placed a substitute for us and it was never the same. Teacher Olga is irreplaceable in my heart.



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