El sueño de Alex - Historia [ESP-ENG]

Alex siempre había soñado con ser astronauta. Desde pequeño le habían fascinado el espacio, las estrellas, los planetas y los cohetes. Su habitación estaba llena de carteles, libros y juguetes relacionados con el tema. Su sueño era viajar al espacio y explorar el universo.
Pero no todos compartían su entusiasmo. Sus padres, sus profesores y sus compañeros le decían que era un sueño imposible, que era muy difícil, que había que estudiar mucho, que había que tener mucho dinero, que había que tener mucha suerte, que había que ser muy valiente. Le decían que era mejor que se dedicara a otra cosa, que fuera más realista, que eligiera una profesión más normal.

Alex had always dreamed of being an astronaut. Ever since he was a little boy, he had been fascinated by space, stars, planets and rockets. His room was full of posters, books and toys related to the subject. His dream was to travel into space and explore the universe.
But not everyone shared his enthusiasm. His parents, his teachers and his classmates told him that it was an impossible dream, that it was very difficult, that you had to study hard, that you had to have a lot of money, that you had to be very lucky, that you had to be very brave. They told him it was better for him to dedicate himself to something else, to be more realistic, to choose a more normal profession.

Fuente de elhoz

Alex se sentía triste y frustrado. ¿Por qué nadie le apoyaba? ¿Por qué nadie creía en él? ¿Por qué nadie le entendía? ¿Tan malo era tener un sueño?
Pero Alex no se rindió. Sabía que su sueño era posible, que era su vocación, que era su pasión. Sabía que tenía que luchar por ello, sabía que tenía que trabajar duro, sabía que tenía que aprender, sabía que tenía que superarse. Sabía que tenía que perseverar.
Así que Alex empezó a estudiar. Estudió matemáticas, física, química, biología, geografía, historia, idiomas. Estudió todo lo que pudo, todo lo que necesitaba, todo lo que le interesaba. Estudió con dedicación, con curiosidad, con ilusión. Estudió hasta que se graduó en el liceo con honores.

Alex felt sad and frustrated. Why didn't anyone support him? Why didn't anyone believe in him? Why didn't anyone understand him? Was it so bad to have a dream?
But Mateo did not give up. He knew that his dream was possible, that it was his calling, that it was his passion. He knew he had to fight for it, he knew he had to work hard, he knew he had to learn, he knew he had to excel. He knew he had to persevere.
So Alex began to study. He studied mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, history, languages. He studied everything he could, everything he needed, everything he was interested in. He studied with dedication, with curiosity, with illusion. He studied until he graduated from high school with honors.


Pero Alex no se conformó. Él sabía que su sueño era grande, que era un reto, que era una aventura. Él sabía que tenía que seguir adelante, que tenía que avanzar, que tenía que crecer, que tenía que mejorar. Él sabía que tenía que perseverar.
Así que Alex se puso a trabajar. Trabajó en lo que pudo, en lo que encontró, en lo que le sirvió. Trabajó como repartidor, como camarero, como tutor, como voluntario. Trabajó para ganar dinero, para ahorrar, para pagar, para invertir. Trabajó con esfuerzo, con responsabilidad, con generosidad, con humildad. Trabajó hasta que consiguió una beca para ir a la universidad.

Pero Alex no se detuvo. Sabía que su sueño era alto, que era un reto, que era una oportunidad. Sabía que tenía que seguir adelante, sabía que tenía que progresar, sabía que tenía que sobresalir, sabía que tenía que brillar. Sabía que tenía que perseverar.
Así que Alex se puso a investigar. Investigó sobre el espacio, sobre cohetes, sobre satélites, sobre misiones. Investigó con rigor, con creatividad, con innovación, con colaboración. Investigó hasta doctorarse con excelencia en ingeniería aeroespacial.

But Alex was not satisfied. He knew that his dream was big, that it was a challenge, that it was an adventure. He knew he had to keep going, he knew he had to move forward, he knew he had to grow, he knew he had to get better. He knew he had to persevere.
So Alex got to work. He worked at whatever he could, whatever he could find, whatever worked for him. He worked as a delivery boy, as a waiter, as a tutor, as a volunteer. He worked to earn money, to save, to pay, to invest. He worked hard, responsibly, generously, humbly. He worked until he got a scholarship to go to college.

But Alex didn't stop. He knew that his dream was high, that it was a challenge, that it was an opportunity. He knew he had to keep going, he knew he had to progress, he knew he had to excel, he knew he had to shine. He knew he had to persevere.
So Alex set out to do research. He researched about space, about rockets, about satellites, about missions. He researched with rigor, with creativity, with innovation, with collaboration. He researched until he received his doctorate with excellence in aerospace engineering.

Fuente de souartxai

Pero Alex no se rindió. Él sabía que su sueño era suyo, que era su meta, que era su destino. Él sabía que tenía que intentarlo, que tenía que postularse, que tenía que prepararse, que tenía que demostrarlo. Él sabía que tenía que perseverar.
Así que Alex se puso a entrenar. Entrenó su cuerpo, su mente, su espíritu, su carácter. Entrenó con disciplina, con constancia, con resistencia, con confianza. Entrenó hasta que fue seleccionado como candidato a astronauta.

Por fin, después de muchos años, después de muchos obstáculos, después de muchos sacrificios, después de muchos logros, Alex cumplió su sueño. Se puso el traje, se subió al cohete, se lanzó al espacio, miró por la ventana. Y vio la Tierra, y vio las estrellas, y vio el universo. Y sonrió.
Alex había llegado, había triunfado, había perseverado.

But Alex did not give up. He knew that his dream was his, that it was his goal, that it was his destiny. He knew he had to try, he had to apply, he had to prepare, he had to prove it. He knew he had to persevere.
So Alex set about training. He trained his body, his mind, his spirit, his character. He trained with discipline, with consistency, with endurance, with confidence. He trained until he was selected as an astronaut candidate.

Finally, after many years, after many obstacles, after many sacrifices, after many achievements, Alex fulfilled his dream. He put on the suit, he got on the rocket, he launched himself into space, he looked out the window. And he saw the Earth, and he saw the stars, and he saw the universe. And he smiled.
Alex had arrived, he had succeeded, he had persevered.


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