Symbolizes the spirit of American civilian freedom!

도로 사진 Timeline of Democide

I receive emails from Dr. Robert Malone, and almost every email contains information that provides scientific, political, or other categories of societal discourse, that enables me to make rational decisions regarding how I approach government, health, and life in America. I do not always agree with Dr. Malone, and there are times when I feel he is surreptitiously promoting some kind of fictional basis for governmental authority, but since I have a unique understanding of human sovereignty and consider every human an Autarch over a national goverment of one, themselves, I hardly expect anything else.

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As I read articles by genius @valued-customer,
I felt that American civilians were always analyzing and reasoning about the rule and schemes of overlords!

He always tells me that the overlords deceive and enslave the people!
He claims that the current overlords have evil plans against the civilians and deceive them!

His claims always surprised and shocked me!😦
This is because I am an East Asian who has been ruled by overlords for 2,000 years!

1. Is he the Chinese Moses?

Sima Qian ([sɹ̩́mà tɕʰjɛ́n]; c. 145 – c. 86 BC), known as the father of East Asian history, wrote history for overlords 2,000 years ago.

Sima Qian ([sɹ̩́mà tɕʰjɛ́n]; c. 145 – c. 86 BC) has been indoctrinating East Asians like me for over 2,000 years with the dogma that we must always be loyal to our overlords.

So, @valued-customer's beloved East Asian overlords have ruled East Asia for 2000 years.😂

@valued-customer's actions against the overlords shocked me greatly!😯

I compared the ideas of Edgar Allan Poe and @valued-customer!

American literary works that enthralled people around the world!?

This is because I believed that Edgar Allan Poe created the most primitive thoughts and worldview of Americans!

Edgar Allan Poe, creator of American literature!

I believed that Edgar Allan Poe's works revealed the hidden, primal thoughts and emotions of Americans and society!



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Perhaps Steve and Joseph will disagree with me?😄

도로 사진 The letter stolen again

"The Purloined Letter" is a short story by American author Edgar Allan Poe. It is the third of his three detective stories featuring the fictional C. Auguste Dupin, the other two being "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" and "The Mystery of Marie Rogêt". These stories are considered to be important early forerunners of the modern detective story. It first appeared in the literary annual The Gift for 1845 (1844) and soon was reprinted in numerous journals and newspapers.

I believe that Edgar Allan Poe is the person who most contributed to bringing American literature on par with Europe!

His reputation is still famous in Europe, Japan, and Korea!
While reading his works, I was able to discover the civilizational differences between America and Europe!😲

I thought “The Purloined Letter” symbolized the confrontation between American civilians and their European overlords!

As I read “The Purloined Letter”, I felt like I was seeing a confrontation between American civilians @valued-customer and European overlords!

@valued-customer always observes the news and media and predicts the plots and actions of overlords!

Dupin sees the crime of Minister D, who stole a letter from a noble lady of the court, and achieves a wonderful victory through genius reasoning and actions.

The way civilian Dupin intervenes in the power struggle between European overlords and solves the problem seems to show the current relationship between the United States and Europe.

The most impressive part is that Minister D stole the letter to threaten a woman presumed to be the Queen.
The fact that the information contained in the letter gives power shows the current power structure in the world.

I was touched by the fact that Dupin brilliantly tricked the genius Minister D to save a woman in danger!
This is because they rescued women suffering from unfair persecution and exploitation by men!

I was able to understand @valued-customer 's thoughts when I saw how the civilian Dupin deceived genius European overlords!

3. Why Japanese Fear America forever?

East Asian overlords, including those of Japan, are emulating the wisdom and experience of their European overlords in order to defeat civilian @valued-customer!

However, “The Purloined Letter” showed civilian Dupin defeating European overlords!😃

So, I was convinced that “The Purloined Letter” presented a fateful confrontation between American civilians and European overlords!

In eventully, I was able to understand a little about why my esteemed senior @valued-customer always had such a passionate interest and love for overlords!😄

I thought that Edgar Allan Poe's works predicted the future fate of people around the world, including America and Europe!

I believe that Edgar Allan Poe was a great prophet!







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