Timeline of Democide

I receive emails from Dr. Robert Malone, and almost every email contains information that provides scientific, political, or other categories of societal discourse, that enables me to make rational decisions regarding how I approach government, health, and life in America. I do not always agree with Dr. Malone, and there are times when I feel he is surreptitiously promoting some kind of fictional basis for governmental authority, but since I have a unique understanding of human sovereignty and consider every human an Autarch over a national goverment of one, themselves, I hardly expect anything else.


As a result, I think all my readers should be aware of Dr. Malone's posts, and have an urge to repost them here. I almost always do not do this, because I have posted several of them here, and reckon folks that want to hear from him are well able to subscribe to his email list themselves (with the link I provide herein). I again urge ya'll to subscribe to Dr. Malone's substack, which provides factual information with a focus on his professional medical understanding of the plandemic and how to grapple with the issues surrounding it.

Today he posted the relevant US law regarding EUA (emergency use authorization), informed consent, and the specific information availed to relevant bureaucrats that showed many public statements were deliberate lies, and that these agencies have been corrupted and captured by the industry they were instituted to regulate. Instead of regulating the pharmaceutical industry, the USG has become it's marketing tool. Part of that post was an article from the Epoch Times that provided a list of cardiac injuries resulting from the jabs that shows the horrific personal tragedies that have resulted from regulatory capture, lies, and death and injury suffered by the families of people that submitted to the coercive schemes of pharmaceutical corporations and their government minions and got jabbed.

IMG source - Archive.is

Some of you may not have watched as beloved friends and family members sickened and died from the jabs. I particularly encourage you to have a look at that list, and imagine your friends, your mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, sons and daughters being the victims of these crimes. As Dr. Malone well establishes from the actual text of the relevant laws and provable acquisition of information by agencies involved, deliberate lies and fraud were undertaken by pharmaceutical corporations, media, and government to knowingly cause people to suffer death and injury so that the perpetrators could profit financially. I want you to understand that all this death and misery was afflicted on people for money.

I want you to understand that so that you will be angry, very angry, about it, because that will motivate you to take action, and I have also recommended specific actions that will permanently end the ability of vile, murderous psychopaths to afflict humanity with such death and suffering. I have grasped that free people that personally make the goods and services that create the blessings of civilization do not need to depend on murderous psychopaths for those blessings, and murderous psychopaths are dependent on our reliance on them for those blessings to be able to afflict humanity with death and suffering. I want to end the ability of overlords to afflict humanity permanently, and each and every person that gains independent means of securing the blessings of civilization reduces that evil.

Many people believe that to end such horrors, there needs to be a violent revolution, and criminals need to be physically harmed, that revolutionaries need to commit acts of violence and hate. This is not the case. The fact is that when we work for corporations, use their fiat currencies (or CBDCs), buy products from corporations, and pay taxes they demand, we provide murderous psychopaths the wealth and power they then use to murder and sicken people for more wealth and power. When we use modern decentralized means of producing the goods and services that create the blessings of civilization we require ourselves, we do not provide them our wealth and power to do us more harm. Instead we ourselves retain that wealth and power with which we can do good for ourselves, our families, and our communities, doing good for humanity instead.

We don't need to become street fighters with guns and bombs. We just need to become more wealthy and ensure we cannot be held hostage by evil overlords by them withholding the blessings of civilization. All we need to do is adopt as many of the modern means of production suitable to our personal circumstances that profit us best, and keep our production from evil people that use it to do harm. All of their wealth and power is provided by their victims.

Our freedom destroys slavery and subjugation. Be free.

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