I met the three most impressive men!

도로 ė‚Žė§„ Saturday Savers Club: "Signing up" for 2024!

Financial Objectives
In reading the comparatively straightforward savings objectives of many others in the community, mine are going to seem potentially a little (a lot?) less uhhh ... "structured" ... as I would consider mine more conceptual in nature. In other words, they are not quantitative ...

Here they are:

Resume writing to create an additional income stream.

At payout, take the entire HBD portion and invest it into savings. Instead of a monthly HPUD, a weekly HBDPUD ... 😉 Let's see where consistently saving and compounding of our Hive stable coin takes me over the course of a year.

At payout, let my HP continue to accrue, always keeping an eye out for potential changes to my delegations, while keeping a significant portion free for upvoting.

Take any HIVE generated, from various sources and continue to compound my investing in select L2 tokens on Hive Engine. For example, EDS and the new EDSD token!

[All while waiting to see if anything remotely approaching "smart contracts" gets launched on our Hive blockchain in 2024.]

Reading recent articles by Steve, whom I call the King of the Rocky mountains, led me to some new discoveries.

I estimate that the population of the US state where Steve lives is 570,000!😃
I was surprised that 570,000 people live in a state with such a large land area.


Steve traveled the vast American continent in this nice, big red truck!
I was amazed by the vastness, beauty, and richness of the American continent!ðŸ˜ē


I thought the American continent was blessed by God!



Even though the Chinese mainland is vast, there has always been a shortage of food and resources compared to the population!

I first spoke with Steve on Discord.

He recommended me to invest in cryptocurrency, but he looked surprised.

He gave me this look when he realized that my English was poor and that I knew nothing about cryptocurrency!ðŸ˜ē😔

Maybe he made that look because he imagined I was rich?😄

I guessed he was very surprised to find out that I had empty pockets!😄
In fact, if I go to America, I will become homeless!😅

Steve advised me that I could learn about cryptocurrency by meeting a Pakistani man named Marwan.

By the way, I had a hard time understanding Pakistani Marwan's English sentences. I assumed Marwan's business-style English was difficult to understand.



I happened to meet @tanzil2024, a wonderful Bangladeshi scientist who had traveled from the Indian subcontinent to China.
I found @tanzil2024's literary and academic English easier to understand.

I felt that @tanzil2024 understood the thoughts and feelings of East Asians like me who are awkward at English!

So, I am currently reaching out to @tanzil2024 with many questions and asking for help!

East Asians think that people from the Indian subcontinent are talented in math and attractive!

In fact, I look a lot like my handsome brother Hassan!😄

도로 ė‚Žė§„ Decentralization is Eliminating the Middle Class

@Edicted posted today his expectations of the markets, as is his diligent practice. In that post he mentioned that the middle class is being eliminated by automation and centralized production. While that point was not the central focus of his post, I disagree that centralized production is the reason, and made to reply to his post regarding that issue. As my reply grew in length, necessary to support my thesis that decentralization, not centralization, is the reason for the loss of wealth of the middle class, I realized that the reply wasn't suitable to post on his blog, which is about another matter.

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I call @valued-customer the King of Oregon!
I thought @valued-customer was America's Last Mohican!

The Last of the Mohicans Promentory.png

I thought @valued-customer was the symbol of America's frontier man!
I'm amazed at the personal freedom and revolution that @valued-customer always advocates!
As I read Oregon history, I thought about his ancestors.

While watching The Oregon Trail, I was amazed at the vastness and ruggedness of the North American continent!ðŸ˜ē
Because I live in a small country, I was amazed by the grandeur of the distances between Missouri and Oregon connected by The Oregon Trail!

Steve once told me that all Americans are different from each other.
From my perspective, Oregonians and Wyoming people seemed like people from different countries!

Steve and @valued-customer seemed like they were from different countries with English as their official language!ðŸ˜Ķ

So, Steve once told me that it was rude to ask Americans about their private lives.
He especially said that I should be careful in my use of language.

The vastness and racial and cultural diversity of the North American continent were vast and complex beyond my imagination!

By reading @valued-customer's articles, I was able to make new discoveries about modern American life, politics, economy, and culture!

도로 ė‚Žė§„ Arson: an Act of War

Folks, keep an eye out for tweets or posts bragging up the attack on Oregon. People here are interested. The hardy farmers, fisherman, and loggers I serve here reckon they've been attacked by Antifa in an act of war. Oregon is an open carry state, and a lot of folks that didn't used to carry do now, because they intend to shoot arsonists on sight.

Hereabouts, they're thinking Kate Brown and Antifa are trying to kill them for their land.

I'm not sure they're wrong about that. We'll have to see if a bunch of these arsonists are released, like they have been in the riots. If they are, God help the cities.

As I read this article by @valued-customer, I became curious about what kind of position and power he has!

@valued-customer publicly declared Oregon's female governor an arsonist.ðŸ˜Ū

In the world where I live, @valued-customer's actions can result in 5 years in prison for defamation and insult to social leaders and spreading false information!ðŸ˜Ļ

However, even now, @valued-customer is living freely without going to jail.

도로 ė‚Žė§„ Incumbent Tina Kotek since January 9, 2023

The governor of Oregon is the head of government of Oregon and serves as the commander-in-chief of the state's military forces. The title of governor was also applied to the office of Oregon's chief executive during the provisional and U.S. territorial governments.

The current governor of Oregon is Tina Kotek, who took office on January 9, 2023. The governor's salary as of 2018 is $98,600.[1]

I was shocked to see Oregon's new female governor!ðŸ˜Ķ
Kate Brown, whom @valued-customer called an arsonist, was removed from office and Tina Kotek was elected as Oregon's new female governor.

I thought Tina Kotek was a younger and more beautiful woman than Kate Brown!
However, I was even more shocked to learn that Tina Kotek is a lesbian!ðŸ˜ģ
I wondered why men in Oregon elected a lesbian as governor!😧
I admit that Tina Kotek is younger and more beautiful than Kate Brown!😊

I was wondering if @valued-customer did anything to get Tina Kotek elected governor!

I dangerously imagined that @valued-customer would be someone with enough power and authority to fire and appoint the governor!ðŸ˜ģ
The first time I saw him, I felt like he was the king of Oregon!😄

In the Bible, it says that a foolish person behaves unwisdom toward the king and receives his wrath!😂

I suddenly became worried that I might be doing something like that to the current king!😂

Steve always wanted me to use American gentlemanly manners and language!
However, to this day, I have not been able to meet his expectations!

I originally wanted to study American history, politics, economy, and culture, but I felt that I could witness new world changes through the development and spread of cryptocurrency!

So, I decided to study cryptocurrency and American history together!

I want to go to America and do research with help!

So, I would like to continue the conversation with three impressive men!
I look forward to meeting them in person someday!😃

I hope they understand my awkward English!

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