Take my hand to wake up | Story [ENG|ESP]

[English Version]

The lights went out and fear began to take hold of her, but she didn't close her eyes, because that was exactly what she didn't want, she was afraid to sleep, she was afraid to dream.

She was just a little girl, who didn't understand many things and even less those while she was accompanied by loneliness. Her innocence kept her captive to fear, the fear that made her not want to close her eyes.

Between her sheets she tried to stay awake every night, but in vain. The dark circles under her eyes would soon give away her fears and nightmares could come true.

While she was at school, a lady she knew, but who was not from the world of the living, stood in front of her and took her younger sister in her arms, and immediately ran after her, while the woman took her sister away.

In her attempt to rescue her, her sister stretched out her hands asking for help, while she ran hard to reach her hand and feared she would not be able to do so. Suddenly, she reached her sister's hand and woke up realising that it was only a horrible nightmare.

However, the nightmare was not over. Once again the lights went out and she was once again with her sister playing in the yard, when a colourful goblin appeared through the trees and called out to the little girl, no matter how hard her sister tried, the little girl went after the goblin and once again her sister had to go to the rescue, after running after her, she touched her hand and once again she woke up.

After that, every night for a whole week the little girl cried for not wanting to sleep, as the nightmares were constant and had the same end, they wanted to take her sister away and she woke up only after touching her hand.

One day her mother discovered her and asked her what was wrong, she only said that she didn't want to sleep, however her mother noticed her dark circles under her eyes due to lack of sleep and went back to her mother to ask for help. The girl, wrapped in tears, had no choice but to tell what was happening in her nightmares.

Her mother hugged her and told her that this would not happen, but the girl was still afraid and told her mother her greatest fear. Her fear was not the nightmares, nor what happened in them. Her biggest fear was that she would not be able to save her sister, she wondered what would happen if she could not touch her hand.

-Mum, I only wake up when I touch her hand, when I can save her, what if I can't? I don't want them to take my little sister away.

The mother lay down next to her, while they sang away all fear and that day the girl, for the first time after so many nights full of terror and darkness, she could sleep peacefully and without fear.

Hugging a child who comes to sleep with you at night is never too much, you never know who might accompany them and become their worst nightmare.

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[Versión Español]

Se apagaban las luces y el miedo se comenzaba a apoderar de ella, sin embargo no cerraba sus ojos, ya que justamente eso era lo que no quería, tenía miedo a dormir, tenía miedo a soñar.

Apenas era una pequeña niña, que no entendía muchas cosas y menos aquellas mientras la acompañaba la soledad. Su inocencia la mantenía cautiva del miedo, ese que hacía que ella no quisiera cerrar sus ojos.

Entre sus sábanas trataba de mantenerse despierta cada noche, sin embargo era en vano. Las ojeras pronto iban a delatar sus miedos y las pesadillas podían hacerse realidad.

Mientras estaba en la escuela, una señora conocida pero que no era del mundo de los vivos, se paró frente a ella y tomó en sus brazos a su hermana menor, en seguida corrió tras ella, mientras aquella mujer se llevaba a su hermana.

En aquel intento por rescatarla, la hermana mejor estiraba sus manos pidiendo ayuda, mientras tanto ella corría fuerte para alcanzar su mano y temía no poder hacer, de pronto, la alcanzó, logró agarrar la mano de su hermana y despertó dándose cuenta que solo era una horrible pesadilla.

Sin embargo la pesadilla no había terminado. Una vez más se apagaron las luces y ella se encontraba una vez más junto a su hemana jugando en un patio, cuando un duende colorido apareció entre los árboles y llamaba a la niña menor, por más que su hermana trato, la pequeña se fue detrás del duende y nuevamente su hermana tuvo que ir al rescate, luego de tanto correr tras ella, tocó su mano y una vez más despertó.

Luego de eso, cada noche por una semana entera la niña lloraba por no querer dormir, ya que las pesadillas eran constantes y tenían el mismo fin, querían llevarse a su hermana y se despertaba solo luego de tocar su mano.

Un día su madre la descubrió y le preguntó que le pasaba, ella solo dijo que no quería dormir, sin embargo la madre notó sus ojeras por falta de sueño y volvió a prengutar. La niña envuelta en llanto no tuvo más que contar lo que sucedía en sus pesadillas.

La mamá la abrazó y le dijo que eso no pasaría, pero la niña seguía con miedo y le dijo a su mamá el mayor de sus temores. Su miedo no eran las pesadillas, ni lo que sucedia en ellas. Su mayor miedo era, que al suceder esto, ella no pudiera salvar a su hermana, se preguntaba qué pasaría si no pudiera tocar su mano.

—Mamá, solo despierto cuando toco su mano, cuando logro salvarla, ¿qué pasaría si no lo logro? No quiero que se lleven a mi hermanita—

La madre se acostó a su lado, mientras cantaban alejando todo temor y ese día la niña, por primera vez luego de tantas noches llenas de terror y oscuras, ella pudo dormir tranquila y sin miedo.

Abrazar a un niño que se acerca por las noches a dormir contigo no está demás, nunca sabes quien pueda acompañarle volviéndose su peor pesadilla.


Story inspired by a true story from my childhood.

Relato inspirado en auna historia real de mi infancia.

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