Iniciativa Mirada del Faraón / The Pharaoh's Gaze Initiative


Saludos mi gente linda de @holos-lotus , desde estas líneas reciban mi abrazo, así como yo los suyos.

Deseo que la navidad permanezca en sus corazones💗 todos los días de su exsitencia.

Pausarnos, activarnos, caernos, levantarnos, entrar, salir, partir, volver, aparecer, desaparecer, permanecer, en fín eso es parte del delicioso proceso de estar vivos.

Luego de una transitada pausa, la cual utilicé para encargarme de cerrar un capítulo importante en mi presente, como lo era la elaboración de tesina para así próximamente recibir el título de facilitadora de biodanza, vuelvo a este espacio para seguir aprendiendo de Uds. y compartirme a través de mis post.

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Entre los motivos que me hacen volver siempre a @Hive, es que es una oportunidad para conocer gente linda como sucedió en el primer evento que organizó @holoslos lotus. La sensación de una red digital humanizada me atrae como imán.

Definitivamente que hacer comunidad trae muchos beneficios, entre ellos el de permearme de la esencia y experiencia otros hivers.

A propósito del segundo evento organizado por @holos-lotus lotus el 17/12, donde hablaron de proyectar los talentos en la web, tuve la oportunidad de compartir más de cerca con @manaure @enmymente @esalcedo @ylich @tibaire @danielvehe. Este evento me dejó reflexionando acerca de mi historia y mi relación con mis talentos.

Y como buena hija, no regreso a casa con las manos vacías, por aquí estoy compartiendo 2 motivos que me sirven para sostenerme a la vida, los he llamado, el poder de la manada y la mirada del faraón.

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Exactamente hace un año, en la celebración de mi cumpleaños el 21 de diciembre 2021, un espíritu de admiración, creatividad, de compromiso y de solidaridad nos tomó a @marielarc07 @yadimelgar @morito13 @rosahidalgo @alexis26, motivados por los resultados de @miriannalis y @evev nos unimos para apoyarnos a aprender a andar en @Hive.

Con un deliciosisimo bochinche ¡como me gusta!, se comenzó a celebrar mi cumple y terminó al día siguiente en mesa redonda, donde había estado el día anterior la torta y las copas de vino. Ese día todos sentimos deseos de hacer vida en esta plataforma.

Cada quién arrancó a escribir en los días siguientes y a su ritmo, como debe ser, entre todos nos apoyamos en aprender y atrevernos a expresar nuestro sentir a través de la escritura. Hasta la fecha, disfruto y aprendo de ellos en cada uno de sus post e intervenciones.

En manada fué y sigue siendo mucho más facil vivir nuestros temores, alegrías, frustraciones y aprendizajes generados en esta nueva aventura de hacer comunidad en @Hive.

Recuerdo con muchísimo cariño una iniciativa de @saulo, donde 3 de nosotros ganamos nuestros primeros HBD por escribir un cuento. Eso fué un "waooo si así llueve que no escampe", teníamos pocos días en esta plataforma y el logro resultó motivante.


Estoy convencida, que en las situaciones comunes, sencillas, que forman parte de lo cotidiano y que además nos generan placer, es allí donde se asoma y expresa nuestro propósito de vida.

El día de mi cumple 21/12/2021, estaba en la mejor posada del Junko, Venezuela, entre amigos, en disfrute, en la montaña con una luna llena de película, risas, comida y rica bebida,bailando, intercambiando abrazos, con presencia de gente que amo, para qué pedir más.

Las condiciones de ese día influyeron y generaron un estado emocional específico que propició mi apertura y determinación a escribir, la cual es una oportunidad para expresar la voz de mi esencia, aspecto que he venido trabajando y aprendiendo en los últimos tiempos de mi vida.

Ya quedaron atrás los días de timidez, de verguenza y de miedo a mostrarme, gracias a Dios, porque sinceramente sufría mucho

Te invito a que te autoobserves y confirmes si la esencia de tus talentos y propósitos se manifiestan en las acciones que llevas a cabo en tu diario vivir.

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La palabra cumplir proviene de la raíz latina cumplire y significa: una vuelta más.

Es así que en el espiral de la vida nos vamos completando cada año que vamos sumando, nunca estamos totalmente completos, un motivo más para seguir en el proceso llamado vida.

Los faraones afirmaban que el orígen de celebrar el ritual de cumpleaños era motivado por asignaciones de los Dioses.

Aseguraban que el máximo creador conocía tanto pero tanto los talentos de cada uno de sus hijos, como también sabía lo que hacía falta en la tierra, en todos sus rincones y espacios de tiempo.

Es por ello que cada humano nació justo el día y hora específica, porque nuestra misión era expandir a la tierra el don que tenemos precisamente ese día, en ese lugar, en esa familia, en ese país, ni un día más ni uno menos, así se completaba la encomienda de los Dioses, y se hacía más facil la experiencia de vivir.

Tú llevarás amor a la tierra! tú nacerás para enseñarnos a ser más planificados etc.

Según la mirada del faraón, cada persona cumple años para así recordarles a los humanos que es el día de honrar, compartir y enaltecer a nuestros talentos y habilidades.

Los faraones consideraban que era bueno celebrar con los amigos, hacer ofrendas a la naturaleza y pasar el día en ella.

En mi experiencia, cumplir años más allá de realizar un ritual de celebración implica:

Mantener la consciencia de lo que significa seguir viviendo, sumar lucidez, libertad, madurez, entender un poco más nuestra misión. Agradecer a nuestros ancestros. Cerrar ciclos y empezar otros.

Entonces ¿Cómo no celebrar ese día?

Les cuento que este año también la pasé riquisimo, en el mar, acompañada de parte de la manada que estuvo en la celebración del 2021, la buena compañia es para muchos el mejor de los regalos.

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Hoy quiero extenderte la invitación para que participes en la siguiente iniciativa llamada "La Mirada del Faraón"

Puedes contestar todas estas preguntas ó al menos la nro. 3 y la nro 5

1-Indica la fecha de tu proximo cumpleaños.

2- ¿Reconoces tus talentos? ¿Los pones al servicio de los otros?

3- Cuéntanos si tus anteriores cumpleaños los has celebrado bajo la mirada del faraón.

4- ¿Cómo, dónde, cuándo y con quién deseas pasar tu proximo cumpleaños? se vale soñar en público. Tu no sabes si nos aparecemos por allá y te sorprendemos. Todo es posible!!!

5 - Si realizaras una fiesta temática para honrar alguno de tus talentos o habilidades cómo sería la decoración, vestimenta, accesorio, nombra por su puesto el talento que celebrarías.

Nos gusta crear Comunidad, y por ello te invitamos a comentar al menos otros 3 posts de usuarios participantes en la iniciativa.

También puedes utilizar entre tus etiquetas, la de algunos de nuestros aliados en esta iniciativa: #hispapro, #r2cornell #ecency.

Gracias por celebrar la vida con nosotros y ponernos al servicio tus talentos.



Greetings my beautiful people of @Holos&lotus, from these lines receive my embrace, as I do yours. I wish that Christmas remains in your hearts every day of your existence.

Pausing, activating, falling, rising, entering, leaving, departing, returning, appearing, disappearing, remaining, in short, that is part of the delicious process of being alive.

After a long pause, which I used to close an important chapter in my present, as it was the elaboration of my thesis to soon receive the title of biodanza facilitator, I return to this space to continue learning from you and share myself through my lines and soon videos.

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Among the reasons that make me always come back to @Hive is that it is an opportunity to meet beautiful people as it happened in the first event organized by @holoslos lotus. The feeling of a humanized digital network appeals to me.

Definitely that making community brings many benefits, among them to permeate the essence and experience of other hivers.

Regarding the second event organized by @Holos lotus on 12/17 where they talked about projecting talents on the web, I had the opportunity to share more closely with @manaure @esalcedo @ylich @tibaire

And as a good daughter, I do not return empty-handed, here I am sharing 2 reasons that serve to sustain me to life, I called them, the power of the pack and the look of the pharaoh.

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Exactly one year ago, in celebration of my birthday on December 21, 2021, a spirit of admiration, creativity, commitment and solidarity took @mariela @yadira @morito13 @rosahidalgo @alexis , motivated by the results of @miriannalis and @evev we joined together to support each other to learn to walk in @Hive.

With a delicious bochinche as I like, we began to celebrate my birthday and ended the next day at the round table where I had been the day before the cake and glasses of wine, that day we all felt the desire to make life on this platform.

Everyone started to write in the following days and at their own pace, as it should be, we all supported each other in learning and daring to express our feelings through writing.

As a group it was and still is much easier to live our fears, joys, frustrations and learning generated in this new adventure of making community in @Hive.

I remember with great affection an initiative of @ saulo, where 3 of us won for writing a story and that was waooo if it rains it doesn't rain, we had only a few days on this platform and the achievement was motivating.


Greetings my beautiful people of @holos-lotus , from these lines receive my embrace, as I receive yours.

I wish that Christmas remains in your hearts every day of your existence.

Pausing, activating, falling, rising, entering, leaving, departing, returning, appearing, disappearing, remaining, in short, that is part of the delicious process of being alive.

After a long pause, which I used to take care of closing an important chapter in my present, as it was the elaboration of a thesis to soon receive the title of biodanza facilitator, I return to this space to continue learning from you and share myself through my posts.

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Among the reasons that make me always come back to @Hive, is that it is an opportunity to meet beautiful people as it happened in the first event organized by @holoslos lotus. The feeling of a humanized digital network attracts me like a magnet.

Definitely that making community brings many benefits, among them to permeate the essence and experience of other hivers.

About the second event organized by @holos-lotus lotus on 12/17, where they talked about projecting talents on the web, I had the opportunity to share more closely with @manaure @enmymente @esalcedo @ylich @tibaire @danielvehe. This event left me reflecting on my story and my relationship with my talents.

And as a good daughter, I don't go home empty handed, over here I am sharing 2 motives that serve to sustain me to life, I have called them, the power of the herd and the gaze of the pharaoh.

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Exactly one year ago, in celebration of my birthday on December 21, 2021, a spirit of admiration, creativity, commitment and solidarity took us @mariela @yadira @morito13 @rosahidalgo @alexis , motivated by the results of @miriannalis and @evev we joined together to support each other to learn to walk in @Hive.

With a delicious "bochinche" as I like, we started celebrating my birthday and ended the next day at the round table, where the cake and wine glasses had been the day before. That day we all felt the desire to make life on this platform.

Each one started to write in the following days and at their own pace, as it should be, we all support each other in learning and daring to express our feelings through writing. To date, I enjoy and learn from them in each of their posts and interventions.

**It was and still is much easier to live our fears, joys, frustrations and learning generated in this new adventure of making community in @Hive.

I remember with great affection an initiative of @saulo, where 3 of us won our first HBD for writing a story. That was a "waooo si así llueve si no escampe", we had only a few days on this platform and the achievement was motivating.


I am convinced that in common, simple situations, which are part of everyday life and which also generate pleasure, is where our life purpose shows and expresses itself.

The day of my birthday 12/21/2021, I was in the best inn in Junko, Venezuela, among friends, in enjoyment, in the mountains with a full moon, laughter, food and delicious drinks, dancing, exchanging hugs, with the presence of people I love, what more could I ask for.

The conditions of that day influenced and generated a specific emotional state that propitiated my openness and determination to write, which is an opportunity to express the voice of my essence, an aspect that I have been working and learning in recent times of my life.

Gone are the days of shyness, shame and fear to show myself, thank God, because I sincerely suffered a lot.

I invite you to self-observe and confirm if the essence of your talents and purposes are manifested in the actions you carry out in your daily life.

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The word cumplir comes from the Latin root cumplire and means: **one more turn.

This is how in the spiral of life we are completing each year we are adding, we are never totally complete, one more reason to continue in the process called life.

The pharaohs affirmed that the origin of celebrating the birthday ritual was motivated by assignments from the Gods.

They claimed that the ultimate creator knew so much about the talents of each of his children, as well as what was needed on earth, in all its corners and spaces of time.

That is why every human being was born on a specific day and time, because our mission was to spread to the earth the gift we have precisely on that day, in that place, in that family, in that country, not one day more or one less, thus completing the task of the Gods, and making the experience of living easier.
You will bring love to the earth! You will be born to teach us to be more planned, etc...

According to the Pharaoh's view, every person has a birthday to remind humans that it is the day to honor, share and exalt our talents and abilities.

The pharaohs considered it good to celebrate with friends,
make offerings to nature and spend the day in nature.

In my experience, having a birthday beyond performing a celebratory ritual involves: Maintaining awareness of our talents and abilities.

To maintain awareness of what it means to continue living, to add lucidity, freedom, maturity, to understand our mission a little more. To thank our ancestors. To close cycles and start new ones.

So how can we not celebrate this day?

I tell you that this year I also had a wonderful time, at the sea, accompanied by part of the herd that was in the celebration of 2021.

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Today I would like to invite you to participate in the following initiative called "The Pharaoh's Gaze".

You can answer all of the following questions or at least #3 and #5.

1-Indicate the date of your next birthday.

2- Do you recognize your talents and do you put them at the service of others?

3- Tell us if you have celebrated your previous birthdays under the gaze of the pharaoh.

4- How, where and when do you want to spend your next birthday? It is okay to dream in public. You don't know if we show up there and surprise you. Anything is possible!

5 - If you were to have a theme party to honor one of your talents or skills, how would you decorate, dress up, accessorize, name the talent you would celebrate.

We like to create community, and therefore we invite you to comment on at least 3 other posts of users participating in the initiative.

You can also use among your tags, the tags of some of our allies in this initiative: #hispapro, #r2cornell #ecency.

Thank you for celebrating life with us and putting your talents at our service.

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  • Banner elaborado en Canva con los elementos disponibles en su versión gratuita / Banner elaborated in Canva with the elements available in its free version.
  • Banner de la Comunidad diseñada por la artista berlissanoja / Community Banner designed by artist berlissanoja
  • Logo de la Comunidad elaborado por el diseñador casilokodesign / Community logo designed by designer casilokodesign

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