[ESP-ENG] Fomentando la independencia de mi hijo. 🩵

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ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

I have always thought that a child at a certain age is capable of doing certain things, like cleaning his space, putting away his toys, picking up the table, arranging his clothes, getting dressed, among other things, it all depends on age of course.

"Whatever you do for another that that other can do for himself, makes him useless." - Immanuel Kant

This topic proposed by my dear friend @paruri, a big hug for you , in her publication, "You should not solve their problems" resonated with me. As I have said in other opportunities my son Sebastian is ASD, in addition he also has ADHD and attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, he is currently 8 years old, in general terms he is a highly competent child, with certain characteristics of the disorders I have mentioned.



Since his diagnosis, I have treated my son the same as always, in the same way, I have never seen him as a person who has something, so I have always placed tasks and things that he can do, each time increasing his responsibilities such as: dressing himself, brushing his teeth alone, fixing his bag, arranging his clothes and putting them away.

It is very easy for him to become dependent on something, for example, if I brush his teeth once, he doesn't want to do it anymore.



My "new parenting style" has brought conflicts at my mom's house, with her, because she doesn't agree, because she says that she always dressed us as a girl, that she did everything for us. And well, a lot of other things. Which I thank her for, it was her way of raising us and her way of showing love, but it is not my style of raising us. Especially when he argues that I should help him because of his condition, that is my point of view, but I feel that he minimizes my son's capabilities.

With all this, I have tried to encourage my son's independence, perhaps that which I did not have, when I could not choose the clothes I wanted, the color I wanted, the hairstyle I wanted, those things that perhaps today as an adult I unconsciously carry in my life and make me doubt myself.


I am a faithful believer that what I do for him, what he can do for himself, will only make him dependent on me, and that is why I always encourage him to do his own things, and look for solutions to his conflicts, like, for example, yesterday the electricity went out and he could not watch videos and he was upset, which is acceptable, but he was complaining, suffering, because he was bored. I explained to him that before in my times that didn't exist, and that we always looked for a way to have a good time, because we played dolls, jumped, drew, played ball, for all of it there was an excuse on his part.


I thought about playing cards in the meantime, but I thought I would wait because somehow I was going to be solving his boredom, so I better get ready to do another activity, which he didn't want to do at all. Because it was time for him to get out of that zone, so I didn't tell him what to do, I let him live out his frustration until he got over it.

He has to learn to handle it on his own.


My son likes to make washing machines, refrigerators, cardboard air conditioners, so in my mom's house we are fully equipped with all those appliances 😅, the first few times, I helped him to get boxes, but then it was becoming a habit of him to go shopping, I explained to him that getting his material was his responsibility, so he had to ask for them himself, and take them. He has experienced what it is like to be told no, and I have taught him that he should thank people even if he didn't get his box. And I have seen his little face, and his little red eyes, but I must be firm, so I hug him and explain to him that not all the time he will be able to get boxes, and that he must accept those no's. The good thing is that he is persistent.


If I always ask him for them, he would not know what to say, how to say, who to address, how to greet and thank, in some places they already know him because of that.

I want my son to be an independent child, who is not afraid to say what he feels and thinks, to stand up for himself, to be able to talk to a person without thinking if it is right or wrong, to be able to argue, to learn to say no. I achieve this by letting him take control of his own life.


I achieve this by letting him make decisions, such as the color he wants, if he likes something or not, if he prefers to be with grandma or with me, his haircut, in short, these are small things, but on a large scale they can be significant for his development, growth and self-esteem.

In addition, positive reinforcement, which is important for him to feel safe, and that he is doing well....

Parenting is not easy, I keep learning and improving to give him what he needs.
A big hug to all of you.

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Siempre he pensando que un niño a cierta edad es capaz de hacer ciertas cosas, como limpiar su espacio, guardar sus juguetes, recoger la mesa, arreglar su ropa, vestirse, entre otras cosas, todo depende de la edad por supuesto.

“Lo que hagas por otro que ese otro pueda hacer por sí mismo, lo hace inútil.” — Immanuel Kant

Este tema propuesto por mi querida amiga @paruri, un fuerte abrazo para ti , en su publicación, "No debes resolver sus problemas" resonó conmigo. Como ya he dicho en otras oportunidades mi hijo Sebastián es TEA, además también tiene trastorno y déficit de atención e hiperactividad TDAH, actualmente tiene 8 años, en términos generales es un niño altamente competente, con ciertas características de los trastornos que he mencionado.



Desde su diagnóstico, he tratado a mi hijo igual que siempre, de la misma manera, nunca lo he visto como una persona que tiene algo, por lo que siempre le he colocado tareas y cosas que el pueda hacer, cada vez aumentando sus responsabilidades como: vestirse solo, lavar sus dientes solo, arreglar su bolso, arreglar su ropa y guardarla en su sitio.

Para él es muy fácil hacerse dependiente de algo, por ejemplo, si le lavo los dientes una vez, ya no quiere hacerlo más.



Mi “nuevo estilo de crianza” ha traído conflictos en casa de mi mamá, con ella, porque no esta de acuerdo, porque ella dice que siempre nos vestía de niña, que nos hacia todo. Y bueno un sinfín de cosas más. Que le agradezco, fue su manera de criarnos y su forma de demostrar amor, pero no es mi estilo de crianza. Sobre todo, cuando argumenta que debo ayudarlo por su condición, es mi punto de vista, pero siento que minimiza las capacidades de mi hijo.

Con todo ello, he tratado de incentivar en mi hijo independencia, quizás esa que no tuve, cuando no podía elegir la ropa que yo quería, el color que yo quería, el peinado que quería, esas cosas que quizás hoy como adulto de manera inconsciente llevo en mi vida y me hacen dudar de mí.


Soy fiel creyente que lo que yo haga por él, que él pueda hacer por si mismo, solo lo hará dependiente de mí, y es por ello que siempre lo aliento a que el mismo haga sus cosas, y busque solución a sus conflictos, como, por ejemplo, ayer se fue la electricidad y no podía ver videos y estaba molesto, cosa que es aceptable, pero estaba quejándose, sufriendo, porque estaba aburrido. Le explique que antes en mis tiempos eso no existía, y que siempre buscábamos la manera de pasarla bien, porque jugábamos a las muñecas, saltábamos, dibujábamos, jugábamos a la pelota, para todo ello había una excusa de su parte.


Yo pensé en jugar a las cartas mientras, pero pensé esperar porque de alguna manera iba a estar solucionándole su aburrimiento, así que mejor me dispuse a realizar otra actividad, que para nada él quería hacer. Porque era el momento de él, de Salir de esa zona, así que no le dije que hacer lo deje que viviera su frustración, hasta que se le paso.

Debe aprender a manejarlo el solito.


A mi hijo le gusta hacer lavadoras, neveras, aires acondicionados de cartón, por lo que en la casa de mi mamá estamos full equipados con todos esos electrodomésticos 😅, las primeras veces, le ayude a conseguir cajas, pero luego que ya se estaba convirtiendo en una habito de él al salir a hacer compras, le explique que conseguir su material era su responsabilidad, por lo que el mismo debía pedirlas, y llevarlas. Ha experimentado lo que es que le digan que no, y le he enseñado que debe dar gracias a las personas así no haya conseguido su caja. Y he visto su carita, y sus ojitos rojos, pero debo ser firme, así que le abrazo y le explico que no todo el tiempo podrá conseguir cajas, y que debe aceptar esos no, Lo bueno es que el es persistente.


Si yo siempre se las pido, el no sabría que decir, como decir, a quien dirigirse, como saludar y dar gracias, en algunos sitios ya lo conocen gracias a eso.

Lo hace a veces con miedo y con pena, pero así es que se vence esas limitaciones autoimpuestas, yo quiero que mi hijo sea un niño independiente, que no tema a decir lo siente y piensa, a valerse por sí mismo, que pueda hablar con una persona sin pensar si esta bien o mal, que pueda argumentar, que aprenda a decir que no.


Eso lo logro, dejando que él tome decisiones, como el color que quiere, si le gusta algo o no, si prefiere estar con la abuela y o conmigo, su corte de cabello, en fin, son cosas pequeñas, pero a gran escala pueden ser significativas para su desarrollo, crecimiento y autoestima.

Además, el refuerzo positivo, que es importante para que el se sienta seguro, y que lo está haciendo bien...

Ser padres no es fácil, sigo aprendiendo y mejorando para brindarle a el lo que necesita.
Un fuerte abrazo a todos.

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Cita textual/ textual quoteFrase Immanuel Kant

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