Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! Featuring JARED SCAR

Hey guys.. Mingalar par မင်္ဂလာပါ..
There's a rule about participating Splinterlands Social Media Challente! and Weekly Battle Challenge! that you'd get maximum 2 votes. I was thinking since there's only two challenges, I can participate both of them weekly. But since you don't post exactly the same day weekly and sometimes early and sometimes late that it is possible to have more than 2 posts a week.
This may be the reason I haven't got a vote for one of the post in last week. It must have been that I must have post late for the previous week and post early for the coming week that it happened to have more than 2 post within a week. Since, I have posted Weekly Battle Challenge on Monday and now Social Media Challenge, I think I'd skip coming Weekly Battle Challenge just to make sure.

OK.. this week featuring battle is JARED SCAR. I have been thinking about the strategy and trying in a few ways for this card for a while. It is a very interesting card. It cost 7 mana. Initially 5 attacks, which is huge and the speed of 2 and has 2 shields and 4 hit points. The only weakness may be relative low health for the mana cost. It has this special ability that would increase the stats after defeating an enemy card.

OK.. lets talk about the battle..
It was 50 mana capped battle, no need to worry about mana. There were 2 rulesets, reversed speed, lowest speed attack first and healed out, no healing ability. Out of all splinters available to choose from both team chose Life splinter General Sloan that boost range attacks focusing on range units with Shieldbearer with the taunting ability. For my team, Jared Scar was placed as the tank followed by Shieldbearer to attract all incoming attacks.

As with the rule, lowest speed card attack first. Both taunting card attracted the incoming attacks. My team had total 17 attacks and focus on enemy Shieldbearer, while enemy had 14 total attacks focused on my Shieldbearer and 2 attacks on Jared Scar. As a result, my Shieldbearer survived the 1st round but enemy's didn't.

Jared Scar got a chance to knock out weaken Disintegrator and as a result, it got 5 attacks in total and additional shield and hit point as well as better speed. More enemy cards were out in this round.

As Jared Scar got another chance to knock enemy card out, it stats become even batter.

The whole battle last just 3 rounds.

I think it is a very interesting card. The ability makes it interesting. It just get batter as it kill the enemies. The only catch is would it have a chance to kill an enemy? With 5 attacks, it is pretty likely, but it is not always the case. I have seen countless time Jared Scar was not lucky enough to knock an enemy out even with 5 attacks. Sometimes enemy had enough health, sometimes, enemy had some shield left.
But I think Jared Scar is a good addition to my line up for Life splinter with Shieldbearer, Healer and Shield repair. I haven't found the best mana cap for this line up yet.

Did my Strategy Work?
I think putting Shieldbearer on the second position worked. There will be only one enemy attacking my Jared Scar and the rest would focus on Shieldbearer as Jared Scar hit point is pretty low. If I have a card that heal the back line, it might be better.

Please check the battle link here https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sl_0529c8086115ab0bc24b3347093753cc&ref=from-mars

Alright guys.. if you are interested in joining weekly challenge please visit here .

Splinterlands is very interesting *Play-to-Earn game and it is really fun.
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Thanks for viewing my post. Have fun playing splinterlands. Splinterlands ကစားရင်း အမောပြေနိုင်ကြပါစေလို့ .. နောက်နေ့ပြန်ဆုံကြမယ်နော်...

Have a good one.

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