Holozing Rewards are Precious : Here is why you should not sell your Zing tokens.

Hi everyone,
It's me again with another blog on Holozing, the upcoming game on hive blockchain.

If you have not read my last blog and if you don't know about this game by now, then you can reach my last blog published where you will learn a lot about the game.

Link to the blog published by me is below:

Holozing : My initial impressions about the upcoming game on Hive blockchain

Today I will share about what are my views on the tokens generated from the delegation I gave six days back.

You can see the details of my delegation as well rewards above. I delegated 340 hive power, but the rewards are also because of the staked zing tokens.

So, when I was claiming the mined/earned zing tokens it was automatically getting staked that was giving additional rewards at the same time.

What to do with our Zing token rewards?

The APR at which people can mine zing token is incredible but as it is incredible it is also a factor that gives one a greed of earning hive in exchange of these rewards.

Two things to note:

  • Your rewards are staked.

  • It takes 4 weeks for zing token to get unstaked fully.

Now, I personally will not be going to sell them and there are many reasons for not selling these tokens. I am not worried about the price of the token going down in future.

There are things you will lose for sure in case you decide to sell these tokens.

  • You will lose staking rewards on staked zing tokens that is 107.7% at the time of writing this post. You can see that in the shared screenshot as well.

  • I plan to play this game whenever it is available for the people and that is the second reason, I won't sell them.

  • We might find more earning opportunities using these zing tokens in future.

So, I will rather leave them in the staked form and earn more tokens for myself as that is the best thing to do right now in my opinion.

Reason to buy again


For those who want to play this game this section is for them. If you are planning to play this game, then you might have to buy these tokens in future.

We don't know what these tokens will be used for in the game and so selling them that too when you are a gamer who wants to play this game is definitely a bad decision.

So, if you don't want to regret in future for selling these tokens then just hold on to them so that you can know about them well when the game goes live.


In conclusion I would like to say that while one might think of big rewards at this moment, and one might want to sell these tokens to earn big.

He / She might lose a big opportunity that will arrive in future related to the zing tokens we receive by various methods today.

So, for me I don't think that selling them right now is a decision one should make especially if they are planning to play this game in future.

All the things that I shared in this blog are just my point of view based on how I look things for this game and everyone reading this blog are free to make their choice.

I would love to read other people's point of view as well and I don't mind even if they think the opposite of me. Maybe I can learn something from a healthy conversation.

Allow me to stop writing and do write in comments what your plans are for this game.

That's all for this blog, thank you for reading till the end.

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