Holozing : My initial impressions about the upcoming game on Hive blockchain

Hi everyone,
This is me with a new blog about a new game that i found on the hive blockchain today. This Game is known as Holozing and we will talk about it in this blog.

So let me start by sharing the link to this game so that people can visit this game in case they find it interesting.

Link to game : HOLOZING

When you click on the link you will head towards the following page that can be seen below. Now as this is my first time exploring this game i would like to share my initial impressions.

screenshot taken from holozing official website

When i saw this game it really gave me a reason to stay on and keep exploring it. I would like to appreciate who ever created that beautiful web page.

It looks attractive and beautiful and as i was already impressed i saw few options on the top of the game web page. There were several options as you can see them below.

screenshot taken from holozing official website

Let us explore each sections one by one to see what are there in them for all of us.


In this section i can see there are four types of monsters, and this reminds me of Pokémon, I don't know if the developers took some inspirations from Pokémon, but these look good, and I wonder how each of them are going to play when the game launches.

Yes, I forgot to tell that this game is still in early phase and that means we can be the early adopters and I think that is the best thing to do right now.


Whitepaper is the last section and anyone who wants to read it can go and read it. I will myself take a look on it as that is something really important to know the future of a project.


Now, this section really excited me. So, as I said that the game is not yet launched it still offers some ways to start earning tokens from the game itself. I clicked on the rewards section to see the following webpage.

screenshot taken from holozing official website

So, we can start earning ZING tokens by various methods already. There are four methods and I think everyone can at least start earning Zing tokens by one of these methods very easily.

The delegation method, we can delegate our hive power and earn zing tokens at a rate of 81.14% APR (at the time of writing this post).

There are other ways as well like holding POSH tokens or staking the ZING tokens itself. So, if we delegate our hive power, we will earn ZING tokens that can be staked from and then we can earn more zing tokens.

The final method is the liquidity pool method and this one has the highest APR. That is currently at 809% and that is almost ten times more than the delegation method.

But liquidity pools are subject to risk and losses as your funds varies based on the price of the tokens you provide in the liquidity pool. I will decide soon about which method I want to start with to earn some ZING tokens.

I think the hive power delegation method is the one I would like to go with. Whatever I do I will make sure to share with everyone here via my next blog for sure.

Anyone who wants to leave some suggestions to me can do so by writing me in the comment section below.

That's all for this blog, thank you for reading till the end.

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