Hooked on Holozing: Battling and Collecting Bliss

I just read the most exciting update about Holozing and I had to share! It sounds like the game is really starting to take shape and there are going to be so many cool features for collectors and competitive players alike.


First off, I love that they are taking their time to make sure everything is polished before launch rather than rushing it out. No one wants to deal with bugs or glitches, especially in something we hope to play long-term. And it sounds like the small team has been working their butts off!

Now, on to the good stuff about rarities! This sounds like it's going to add so much replayability and excitement to the game. Basically every aspect of the game will have rarities, from the creatures and their moves to items to profession schematics and materials. There will be five tiers: uncommon, rare, epic, legendary, and holo. Holo will be the absolute max stat creatures.

When you encounter a creature in the wild, you'll battle it first to get an idea of its stats. If it seems better than average, you'll want to try capturing it! You can equip special ammo and gear to boost your luck statistic, which will increase your chances. Once captured, you can check if its rarity tier matches its high stats.


Finding one of the super rare holo creatures out in the wild seems like it will be such a crazy, exciting moment! And even if you don't capture it, just encountering one will get the blood pumping!

They also talked about radiant creatures which are basically palette-swapped, off-color variants. While radiant creatures won't necessarily have better base stats, collectors will still want them because of how unique they look. And if you do find a radiant version that also happens to roll high enough stat rarities to be considered "holo"... well that would just be insanely lucky!

Capturing creatures into Alpha cards sounds really interesting too. Alpha cards will be reusable, so if you capture something but aren't happy with its stats, you can release it and try again without losing the card. Considering how rare and limited alpha cards will be, being able to reuse them is a big deal.

And speaking of the alpha cards themselves, they will come in different foil variants that add cosmetic appeal for collectors. Between the creature rarities, radiant variants, max stat holos, and foil card variants.... this game sounds like it will have endless combinations for those trying to "catch em all".

They even teased future possibilities like special event variant creatures or messing with encounter rates for rare creatures during certain events. So much potential!

I won't say that I am a collector and creature-battler yet myself. However, I could not be more hyped for Holozing after reading all of this! It really seems like the devs understand how to make capturing and training creatures engrossing and rewarding for all kinds of players. The rarity system will give longtime players reason to keep battling and hunting for those exceptionally rare finds.


I sincerely hope the rest of the game lives up to this vision they've described for the creature capturing element. It sounds almost too good to be true right now. Like, I would be thrilled with even half of these ideas making it into the full launch.

But if they manage to successfully pull all THIS off? With the depth of strategy for battles plus the endless hunt for rarer and rarer creatures? I might just have to kiss my social life goodbye, because I'll be holozing 24/7!

What do you all think? Doesn't this sound incredible? I'd love to hear your thoughts and speculation in the comments! But for me... I am officially even MORE hype for this game than ever before! The wait is killing me but I'm happy the dev team is taking their time. Hopefully we'll get some more sneak peeks and updates in the meantime!

Images from Holozing and edited

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