Rarity and collector dreams

We're getting closer to a lot of things with @holozing and while I know some of you can't wait and may be thinking things are taking too long, I think it's better they they are perfect than rushed which may bring bugs and unnecessary work towards our current small team. For the end user it'd also be better if as few bugs as possible occur and if any do happen that it's something that can be fixed.

For now I wanted to talk a little bit about rarity in our game, maybe even include a couple leaks here and there as a thanks for being patient. 😇

As many of you know, the aim of this game is to be fun and rewarding for both casuals and competitive players but something we haven't discussed much is how fun it'll be for collectors and how much they can do within the game.

The game is built up with a lot of importance going to rarities, this is something that'll make the game encouraging to play for everyone but naturally there needs to be some balance so things aren't as easy to attain. Let's for instance take a look at how the capturing of creatures will work. I've written about the logic in detail here, but to give you a quick rundown and a play by play of how I see players acting during capturing attempts:

(if you've already read the post and know how the battles go you can skip the part quoted below)



You receive a notification on your phone that a wild creature is nearby, you log into the website quickly and start the battle.

You get into the battle and it's a wild Miumiu, you pick your tanky creature you've been using because he can take a few hits without going too low in HP. This is your "fight around and find out" creature. You know exactly how much defense it has and how much HP it has, now you want to find out how much Attack, HP and what kind of moves the enemy Miumiu has.

Miumiu starts the battle with a bite attack, it starting the round before your tank did means it has a higher agility than yours, but you're not surprised because your tank is primarily focused on HP and Defense, it would've been weird if it hadn't attacked first. It hits your tank and removes 56 health while your tank does a tackle and lowers 1/6th of the enemies health bar having done 28 damage. You now know it hit you for 56 on the first time, which in and of itself is quite high for that creature at the same level as yours, but it's too early to determine if it's good enough or if it just hit a high range of its attack so you wait for the next round.

Next round it hits you for 62 damage and you hit it for 24, you calculate the media of 56 and 62 is 59, not bad so far, Miumiu's usual attack median in your previous battles has been about 52, but let's see what the next round has in store for us.

You get hit by 59 and your next tackle critically hits it for 33, it is now at 40% HP while you're still at 50%. Alright, let's do one more round to get it a bit lower you think and to see how much damage it'll do this time.

This time it hits you for 69, increasing the median damage output by a lot and showing that this one may not just have been lucky to hit you on the upper range on its attacks over and over, but it may just have a very high attack for its level and/or it may have a very strong bite move potentially in the epic to legendary rarity level. Now a new game begins, you want to capture this Miumiu.

The Miumiu is now at 24% health, your creature is at 38% so you know you can take a couple more hits before you need to heal or switch creature. You go to your item tab and pick that legendary ammo you've been saving for these encounters, it gives you 8% luck stat and you replace it with your blue rarity ammo clip you had on your capturing device. Your capturing device already gives you 6% luck + 8% luck from ammo gets you up to 14%, apart from that you also have your luck gear equipped receiving another 28% luck from your gloves, cape, hat, etc. The enemy creature is at 24% health meaning you have a good chance at capturing it, you also know that Miumiu isn't that rare so the capture rate shouldn't be too difficult, but another thing you know is that when wild creatures realize you're attempting to capture them, they are prone to want to flee.

This turn you don't give your creature an attacking command but take your capture device and aim at the creature and shoot, a laser beam hits it and the creature starts to glow, the holo glow effect is radiating up and down fast but getting slower, until it stops and the creature disappears. You look at your capture device and Miumiu appears in the card you had inserted that was previously empty. Its HP rarity is epic, its Def rarity is epic, its Agility rarity is legendary and its Attack is Holo making this a Legendary creature at level 12 meaning you can easily get it to Holo at max level by training it right.

You take the card and put it in your deck, now you can inspect it even more and it tells you that its bite attack was also a legendary move which is why it was doing so much damage every turn. You've had many Miumiu's before this one but the best was blue rarity max so this is an insane upgrade. You consider yourself super lucky and happy to have encountered it, your only regret as a collector and trainer; you didn't capture it into an Alpha card.


As you can see, there'll be a lot of things to do in the battle system which will be the first thing we'll be slowrolling for players to do, by slowrolling we mean we'll be starting slow with only a few encounters per day and increasing it over time based on activity and other variables for accounts.

Rarities will exist in pretty much everything Holozing, creatures and their moves, healer gear items and consumables, profession schematics and materials, creature holders (cards) will also have their own foil and these will only be cosmetic and won't impact the game, similar to healer accessories and assets. Last but not least, creatures will have cosmetic rarities as well.

Radiant Holozing creatures

In Holozing we'll be calling off-color creatures for Radiant, depending on the creature they will have low odds of appearing in encounters but it won't be based off of their stats, yet something people will want to attempt to capture due to their rarity and collector value. For instance, I'd want to own a Radiant of all existing creatures, some will be a lot harder to encounter compared to others and some will be even more limited due to how they come to existence, for instance: alpha starter creatures. Getting a Radiant Infurno may be extremely rare since the only way to get them will be from a starter pack. Let's take a closer look and leak its looks as Radiant and as a Holo Max stat creature.

Here's Infurno at its basic look, this'll be for all rarities from uncommon to Legendary.


If you get so lucky to encounter a Holo rarity creature though, it'll have a certain hue to reveal its rarity to you since it'll be as close to max stats as possible and we wouldn't want you to miss out on trying to capture it since it's that rare. While you won't be able to encounter Inferno in the wild, you could still get lucky and get one opening the starter packs, it would in that case look like this:

wolf holo2.png

While Infurno will be one of the more colorful Holo versions due to the flames, the others will also have similar holo hues at max stats, which is something you can train yourself up to if you're close enough or be so lucky to capture in the wild and maybe even lose max stats if you train the creatures "the wrong way". (We will be warning and making it obvious to everyone along the way so as to not accidentally undertrain them)

Now to the fun part, Radiant creatures. This is the off-colors we've decided for Infurno. Radiant creatures will have low chance to be found and they'll vary based off the creature. For the starters it may be a bit higher due to the limit in starter packs compared to wild encounters, let's for instance say that one in every 1000 Infurno's will be Radiant. That one will look like this:

wolf mutation.png

Looks quite different from the base version. As mentioned, radiant creatures will only be visual and it won't be based on their stats like the Holo-hue one above, however... against all odds if you get a radiant creature that has high rarity stats you can level it up to become a Radiant Max Holo creature. In Infernu's case it'll look something like this:

wolf mutation+holo2.png

Now I'm not even going to go into the odds of getting a Radiant max Holo Infurno but as you can tell they'll be quite rare and if somebody gets that lucky they'll most likely get a lot of Zing offers for it and can earn some nice zing holding it (more on that in another post).

Another thing pack openers can be excited for are Card foils. Alpha cards will be limited to the Alpha starter pack, you will both get a starter creature that can come in 3 different foils and on top of it empty alpha cards that can come in different foils. Keep in mind that when you're capturing a creature, similar to which device or ammo you choose you can also choose which card you want to use. The alpha cards will be quite unique off the gate because they will be re-usable, meaning if you capture a creature and you're not happy with its stats, you can let it go and attempt to capture a better one for the Alpha card if you're building a collection of high stat creatures in alpha cards for instance. While there will be other reusable cards in the future, many which players with professions will be able to craft, the majority of them won't be reusable and break upon releasing a captured creature. Why you may even want to release captured creatures we'll get into another time.

A Radiant Max Holo starter creature in a redacted foil will have quite insane odds but it is technically possible and I can't wait to see how many get lucky. Please offer me a friend price if you're looking to sell them. ;P

Over time we will also be looking at adding different Radiant variants, to give you an example we could include "albino" versions of the creatures into the mix and you'd have a chance to encounter it at any time. We wouldn't want to go too crazy with it of course, there may even be certain events and time periods where we'd release wild creatures with certain unique attributes to their looks based off of that or play with the odds of certain rare creatures of how often they can appear during certain events, etc.

We are very excited about the possibilities here and hope that collectors will enjoy the many variables we have planned for Holozing.

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