Holozing.com stats & Financial report

Previous Stats & Financial Reports for comparison:
Nov 22
Nov 28
Dec 07

Registered users on holozing.com: 1,437 (+104)

Website Stats

Total Stats from December 7th.


Daily Chart from December 7th.


Geographical list of total visits from Nov 9 - Dec 7.


Total Stats yesterday.


Daily Chart yesterday.


Geographical list of total vists from Nov 9 - Dec 17


Plausible changed the total stats chart for some reason but we can see unique visitors, total visits and total pageviews on the same rate as in the previous report as the daily chart can verify that not a lot has changed. Nigeria finally overtook U.S.A as most visits from a country on the website, the rest remain quite unchanged except for the UK overtaking the Dutch in total rank.



Servers: 194.065 (+86.518)
Devs: 0 (debt)
Game Dev: 35,820.726 (no change, debt
Art: 8,305 (+2,990)
Miscellaneous: 2,270 (+1,350)

POSH total spent: 44,482.547 (+1,350)
ZING total spent: 2,990 (+2,990)

Debt: ~38,800 (+3,800)

Game Development has continued tackling Capture logic and implementing it into the game, should be about ready for testing soon. More debt has been accrued from devs who have remained unpaid the last few weeks as focus has shifted onto art to get the base healers and characters out. We have been able to find great artists to showcase our Healers and 3 additional healer characters have been finished awaiting reveal along with 2 new creatures. A big chunk of funding has also gone towards 3d creature creation, finding the perfect balance for unity and webgl so the battles can work for both PC and mobile versions of the game. Once we have a standard for the creatures we can move on with mass creation of the rest of 3d creatures for our open alpha along with healers (funding permitting). Some progress has also been made with creature and card animation of starter pack opening which we hope to launch soon! Miscellaneous spending this week has been aimed towards bridging Zing onto other chains outside of Hive, more info on that after some more testing and website implementation.


31,777 (+7,730) Hive from curation rewards
758 (+381) Hive from beneficiary rewards (posts on @holozing)


3.518M -> 3.361M (-157k)

Amounts are in Hive.

POSH claimdrop ratio

This section will reflect the amount POSH has received in Zing through claimdrops based on its amount spent and current Zing price relative to Hive. Current price won't be the indicator as to when the POSH claimdrop halts, rather we'll calculate an average price of Zing over its lifetime so the stats below are volatile.

Zing claimed by POSH: 876,584 (+144,648 ZING (includes staking rewards which shouldn't))
Hive spent by POSH: 44,482.547 (+1,350)
Current Zing price: 0.0142 Hive/Zing (-0.0033)

If 0.0142 Hive/Zing is the median price, the cutoff will happen at around 3,132,573 ZING (+668,145 ZING), currently at 27.98% (-1.72%)

Keep in mind these numbers are volatile and POSH claimdrop could end sooner or later than expected, we'll announce when we have a clear finish line in sight.

Stay tuned by following us on Hive @holozing

Official Hive community:
Peakd - Hive.blog - Ecency - inLeo
Twitter/X --- Reddit --- Discord

Witnesses involved in @holozing if you'd like to support them with your vote:

Post rewards sent to @zingtoken for development.

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