Holozing.com stats & Financial report

Previous Stats & Financial Reports for comparison:
Nov 22
Nov 28

Registered users on holozing.com: 1,333

Website Stats

Total Stats from November 28th.


Daily Chart from November 28th.


Geographical list of total visits from Nov 9-28.


Total Stats yesterday.

Daily Chart yesterday.


Geographical list of total vists from Nov 9- Dec 7


Total visits is up by 14k since our last report 9 days ago with other stats remaining somewhat the same and daily unique visits staying above 800 after reaching it in our last report. In the geographical chart we can see Nigeria closing in on U.S.A for the first spot with Philippines dropping down from 3rd place and being replaced by our Indian Hivers! Venezuela started late but is making moves upwards as well, closing in on Germany's 5th spot after overtaking their Dutch neighbors.



Servers: 157.547 (no change)
Devs: 0 (debt)
Game Dev: 35,820.726 (no change, debt
Art: 5,315 (+1,320)
Miscellanous: 920 (no change)

Total spent: 43,132.547 (+1,320)

Debt: ~35,000 (+4000)

Game Development is still underway, current focus is Capture logic. We've been accruing more debt from the devs as we await the starter sale and powerdowns to assist with paying it off. This week we've been hiring artists for trials to see if they are the right fit in the categories; healer character 2d generative nft illustration, new creature illustration and 3d generation of existing starter creature. We hope to nail down the artists with whose work we're happy with, we have been stingy in this regard as we put a lot of importance on the looks and designs of the artwork.


24,047 (+6,612) Hive from curation rewards
371 Hive from post/beneficiary rewards


3.505M -> 3.518M

Amounts are in Hive.

POSH claimdrop ratio

This section will reflect the amount POSH has received in Zing through claimdrops based on its amount spent and current Zing price relative to Hive. Current price won't be the indicator as to when the POSH claimdrop halts, rather we'll calculate an average price of Zing over its lifetime so the stats below are volatile.

Zing claimed by POSH: 731,936 (includes staking rewards which shouldn't)
Hive spent by POSH: 43,132.547
Current Zing price: 0.0175 Hive/Zing

If 0.0175 Hive/Zing is the median price, the cutoff will happen at around 2,464,428 Zing, currently at 29.7%.

Stay tuned by following us on Hive @holozing

Official Hive community: Peakd, Hive.blog, Ecency, inLeo
Twitter/X --- Reddit --- Discord

Post rewards sent to @zingtoken for development.

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