🍃🌸 Cuadro decorado con tela 🌸🍃/[Esp/Eng]


✨️✨️Les saludo amigos de Hive Diy✨️✨️, en el que les deseo que estos dias esten llenos de Bendiciones en bienestar y agradables momentos ✨️ Les cuento que me senti motivada en adornar una de las paredes de mi habitacion con un cuadro que tenia en desuso para colocarles algunos retazos de tela, y asi recrear imagenes de la naturaleza.

En realidad son muy pocos los elementos decorativos de estas paredes, ya que colocar un clavo es una dura tarea a la hora de querer adornar, por mas que se martille son intentos fallidos, asi que en cierto modo eso justifica tener un solo clavo en ellas, jejeje, pero de algo si estoy segura que no se caera el adorno que prefiera colocar.

Para realizar este cuadro ya contaba con una base con el marco dorado, la tenia guardada desde que se rompio el vidrio que resguardaba su dibujo, quise tenerla porque desde ese momento tuve en mente que podria renovar su antiguo diseño. Asi que llego la oportunidad de hacerlo.


✨️✨️I greet you friends of Hive diy✨️✨️, in which I wish you that these days are full of blessings in welfare and pleasant moments ✨️ I tell you that I felt motivated to decorate one of the walls of my room with a picture that I had in disuse to place some scraps of fabric, and thus recreate images of nature.

Actually there are very few decorative elements on these walls, as placing a nail is a hard task when you want to decorate, no matter how much you hammer are unsuccessful attempts, so in a way that justifies having a single nail in them, hehehe, but something if I'm sure that the ornament that I prefer to place will not fall.

To make this picture I already had a base with the golden frame, I had it saved since the glass that protected its drawing was broken, I wanted to have it because from that moment I had in mind that I could renew its old design. So I had the opportunity to do it.


Mi idea fue reutilizar retazos de tela para formar a un paisaje natural como lo es un ave entre la vegetacion ya que en cierta forma estas imagenes con tendencias naturales son muy favorecedoras en las habitaciones, nos relajan y transmiten tranquilidad.

Para ello contaba con tela que me habian quedado de unas cortinas en color naranja con amarillo y otra en un tono marron, tambien una tela estampada de varios colores y ademas un retazo verde que tiene de relieve hojas y ramas para caracterizar un ambiente natural.

My idea was to reuse scraps of fabric to form a natural landscape as a bird among the vegetation, as in some ways these images with natural trends are very flattering in the rooms, relax us and convey tranquility.

For this I had fabric that I had left from some curtains in orange with yellow and another in a brown tone, also a printed fabric of various colors and also a green piece that has leaves and branches in relief to characterize a natural environment.


🍃🌸Utilice los siguientes materiales:

🍂Retazos de tela
🍂Aplique de flor
🍂Un cuadro sin adorno
🍂Pega blanca


Inicie forrando la base de carton del cuadro utilizando una tela de un color marron claro, y asi colocar las figuras sobre esta tela.

🍃🌸Use the following materials:

🍂Fabric scraps
🍂Flower applique
🍂An unadorned square
🍂White glue


Start by lining the cardboard base of the frame using a light brown fabric, and place the figures on this fabric.


Del retazo de tela verde recorte figuras de ramitas y hojas, lo cual se me hizo facil ya que, estan en relieve y sobresalen claramente.

From the green fabric I cut out twigs and leaves, which was easy to do since they are in relief and stand out clearly.


Luego las ubique con pega blanca en la parte inferior del cuadro para recrear las plantas.

Then place them with white glue at the bottom of the frame to recreate the plants.


Asi mismo, recorte de la tela estampada figuras de flores y hojas para continuar colocandolas.

Also, cut out from the patterned fabric figures of flowers and leaves to continue placing them.

Seguido buscaba una flor que resaltara y asi pudiera mostrar la atencion del ave. Asi que, utilice un aplique de flor de una blusa blanca que habia desechado por haberse manchado, adornos asi siempre tienen algun uso y mas si estan en buen estado, por lo que me parecio que se veia bien en el cuadro, seguidamente la pegue a la tela ofreciendo un bonito efecto.

Next I was looking for a flower that would stand out and show the bird's attention. So, I used a flower applique from a white blouse that I had discarded because it had been stained, ornaments like this always have some use and more if they are in good condition, so I thought it looked good in the painting, then I glued it to the fabric offering a nice effect.



Continue dibujando en una hoja blanca el diseño de un ave, me ayude de imagenes en internet buscando ideas, queria que se mostrara con el movimiento de sentirse atraido por el nectar de la flor.

I continued drawing on a white sheet the design of a bird, I helped myself with images on the internet looking for ideas, I wanted it to be shown with the movement of being attracted by the nectar of the flower.


Para eso separe en tres piezas la figura, y marque cada una en la tela viendo que tuviera los dos colores, al finalizar las recorte colocandolas en el cuadro para formar el ave.

To do this, separate the figure into three pieces, and mark each one on the fabric, making sure that it has the two colors, then cut them out and place them on the frame to form the bird.

Ubique de un lado del cuadro, la figura del ave, iba pegando cada pieza con pega hasta formarlo, quedando situado justo al frente de la flor, en el que se aprecia la intencion de disfrutar de ella. El pico se lo realice con papel y lo dibuje de negro.

I placed on one side of the picture, the figure of the bird, I was gluing each piece with glue to form it, being located just in front of the flower, which shows the intention to enjoy it. I made the beak with paper and drew it in black.



Y luego de haber pegado todas las piezas asi quedo este cuadro decorado con retazos y apliques de tela, que desde ya, lo coloque en mi habitacion, siendo una manera de reciclar y a la vez pasar un momento de creatividad. Hasta otra ocasion amigos✨️🌈✨️

And after having glued all the pieces together, this is how this picture decorated with fabric scraps and appliqués turned out, which I have already placed in my room, being a way to recycle and at the same time spend a moment of creativity. Until another time amigos✨️🌈✨️




Fotos tomadas por | Photos taken by @marigerp88

Dispositivo | Device | Galaxy AO3

Fotos editadas en: |Photos edited in |Pic collage

Gig creado en| Gif created in |Adobe Express

Traducción con | Translation with| DeepL

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