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Italy becomes Corona's new center, 4636 new cases in one day, 233 dead so far

After China, the most affected country is Italy. Italy has the highest number of infections reported after China and South Korea. On Saturday, the number of infected people increased from 1,247 to 5,883.

The death toll in Italy from the Coronavirus increased to 233 on Saturday, while the number of infected patients increased from a day's record of 1,247 to 5,883. Italy has recorded the highest deaths of any country outside China and the third-highest number of infections after China and South Korea.

Meanwhile, the Italian government has said that plans are being made to quarantine the entire Lombardy region around Milan to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in Venice and the surrounding areas of the northern cities of Parma and Rimini.

A draft of a government proposal to the Corriere Della Serra newspaper and other media institutions in Italy states that by April 3, the movement of people in and out of these areas will be severely restricted. Milan is the financial capital of Italy and has a population of less than 1.4 million. The entire Lombardy region is home to 1 crore people.

Such an order can be issued in the Veneto region around Venice as well as in Parma and Rimini of Emilia-Romagna. These three cities have a population of about 540,000 people. However, it is not clear yet when the order banning the movement of people will be issued.

Italy has been the worst affected after the outbreak of the Coronavirus in China last year, and many people have died so far. The number of infected people is continuously increasing. So far, 233 people have been killed while the number of infected patients has touched 5,883.

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