Coronavirus: Maharashtra bans sale of N95 respirator without prescription

N95 respirators can keep air particles out, although they are not completely leaking free. But a run on such devices during a public health emergency can pose a dangerous crisis for medical professionals. Maharashtra now says that you cannot buy one without a prescription.

The Food or Drug Administration of Maharashtra has banned the sale of N95 MPs - in high demand as India fights new coronaviruses - without a prescription, news reports say.

According to a report by Indian Express newspaper, "The move comes after the government made complaints of N95 [MPs] buying terror and hoarding cases".

The run on protective equipment is not limited to Maharashtra. The District Magistrate of Agra, recently taking action on black marketing, sealed three medical stores. Mask and respirator prices soared in Noida when two schools closed (one student's parents tested positive). The central government says that strict action will be taken against those who apply masks and sanitisers.

The World Health Organization's view on the mask is very clear: Healthy people do not need them until they take care of sick people.

Here the UN says on its Q & A page on Kovid-19, a disease caused by the new coronavirus.

"WHO recommends rational use of medical masks to avoid unnecessary wastage of precious resources and misuse of masks. Use masks only if you have a respiratory symptoms (cough or sneezing), suspected cobid-19 with mild symptoms - infections, or caring. Someone suspected of Kovid-19 infection. A suspected Kovid-19 infection is associated with travelling to areas Is where cases have been reported, or close contact with some one who has travelled to these areas and becomes ill. "

Also, note that surgical (or medical) masks may not exclude infectious droplets; They help prevent you from making others sick. On the other hand, N95 respirators can keep air particles out, but a run on such devices during a public health emergency can create a dangerous shortage for medical professionals.

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