How a music therapist inspired another punk who is currently unemployed | Meet Helen Punk 8281


Stories about my favorite punks

Last week, I read @themarkymark's post where he introduced Douglas and requested the stories of our favorite punks as well in the same post. I gave it some thoughts while I noticed I could not really part with most punks in my collections. I started wondering why this was.. And then the first backstory came to life.


Meet Helen Wilkinson

When Helen walks in, people notice, you can hardly miss her honestly as she has pink hair and usually wears her 3D glasses, which is odd if you aren't in the cinema, isn't it? I felt connected to Helen right away because she's a music therapist!

For as long as I can remember, music was my first love and it will probably be my last.. (music of the future, and music of the past.. can you hear it? lol) I have always turned to music whenever I had something emotional to deal with. It doesn't matter if the emotions were good happy vibes or sadness, fear, anger, you name it. I always turn to music as music touches me. As soon as I have unresolved issues that need attention, music will make sure the tears start flowing or the negative energy comes out so that I can move on without getting emotionally stuck.

It's good to have music therapists

I believe many people underestimate the power of music. And some may even laugh at Helen when mentioning her profession. It's fine, she can take it as she's a power punk and she knows that she changes lives being a music therapist. I'm quite stoked that I have her in my Punk Team! Whenever one of the other punks needs therapy, she will be there. What a relief.


Helen has helped punk 2464

Also known as Cayden Flowers, he's currently unemployed due to the pandemic situation. Like many others in the world, he lost his job as a stage builder last year because you know how it goes, events aren't that hot anymore and a job in that scene is just not that steady anymore. He used to work year-round building stages for the biggest festivals in the world, like Sziget in Budapest (Hungary), and flew all over the world to do so. You could say he knows how to build stages and he's known to be a great worker.

The pandemic situation has left scars on his soul

He worked hard all year, like many others, but the moment a festival started, and he was enjoying his drink while the first act appeared on stage, he was zen. He always looked forward to the moment that the evening fell, because that's the moment when stages become magical places and the atmosphere changes into something special. He loved looking at the happy faces of people dancing at festivals and when returning home, he always felt satisfied. His job suited him like a glove.

And then the pandemic appeared, leaving many people unemployed while one after the other business closed. So did a lot of festival organizations. Cayden knew this was going to be very difficult, finding a new job as he was working on temporary contracts constantly, but with all the returning festivals each year, he had more work than he could handle. Now tables have turned and he his days were empty. He started to feel depressed at some point.

Thankfully Helen crossed paths with him

They have a mutual friend:


Alistair Richmond, who worked at a few festivals and they always had a chat and sometimes a drink after the work was done. He told Helen about Cayden's situation and that he wished he could help him, but couldn't cheer him up. He knew Helen is a music therapist and thought he should connect the two. To his surprise, Helen let him know that Cayden was open to start therapy with Helen and within 4 weeks, Cayden was his happy self again.

They became close friends since

And now they are meeting when they can to have some brainstorming sessions about how to proceed with their professions if the pandemic situation won't change. I have heard whispers about their plans for 2022 and I believe they will not let the pandemic situation kill their dreams. They have now inspired each other to see things from a different perspective and be open to new possibilities which they never thought of before.

It's funny how a music therapist, a former stage builder and a bartender can inspire the other just by shining a different light on how they see the world.

So this is why Helen is my favorite punk

She is a true inspiration to others, and therefore she has my respect. I bet you have a few cool punk members as well. If so, feel free to share your story!

Thanks for reading.. to be continued!

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