Farewell Butters [That was Emotional!]

Oh wow, that was emotional. I honestly didn't expect to burst into tears this morning as we packed Butters to take her to the freight company for shipping to the UK. Yet here I am, draped across her hood giving her a teary cuddle.

This car has been in our lives for six years now. For the last three or four months we've done something to her every single day - from Jamie redoing the gearbox three times to fitting out the interior to building the pop top. And now we are finished - at least on this end!


My long board fit perfectly, and I made sure I packed around it firmly with the soft furnishings and foam mattresses. It's also secured to the seat with an occy strap.

Who knew a 9 foot surfboard would fit so comfortably? Obviously, it'll go on the roof when we arrive, but everything has to be in the back for it to go into a container.

Then Jamie's SUP went on top of that. I'll be bringing my SUP on the plane with me. At the last minute we were just throwing whatever we remembered in it to sort out at the other end - toilet paper, shampoo bars, snorkles, spare parts - you name it! Crazy.


It was a relief for Jamie - he's been sick with a cold yet still having to do all this hard work. Poor love. As I write this, he's laying on the couch very happy and tired that he now gets a little break.

I can't quite explain how happy we are to have completed this crazy mission. I have a few more Land Rover posts to share about the completed build but for now, I just wanted to share this joyous news!

We took it up to Melbourne and handed it over to the freight company and handed over the keys - now it's all out of our hands. We'll see it at the other end of Feb in Southampton, UK, where I'm sure we'll have another story about getting it plates in the UK.

With Love,


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