Updated skirt

Good Monday to all our creative community!!! I hope this week has been productive for you and that you are doing well!
I finished updating the skirt that my friend gave me.

As I already told you, I increased the length using lace that I crocheted. The lace turned out to be a little larger than necessary, so I decided to use its tail as an additional decoration. I got the idea to put a button there. I had several options as you can see in the photo below.

I especially liked the look of the big brown button, but in the end I didn’t settle on that one. I thought that this button, although smaller in size, was more suitable in color to the inside of it and in size to the button that was sewn on the waistband of the skirt.

This top button also needed an accent and I decided to use lace for this. Do you think it's better with lace than without it?

In the end I got this!

The skirt now looks like this!

I tried to remove the blouse so that the waistband of the skirt could also be seen. I really liked how the skirt looks now. It's much more festive and elegant.

In this photo I tried to show you how the button and lace at the bottom look. I think this is a cool creative idea! Yesterday I wore this skirt to an event and all the girls really liked how the skirt now looks. This is a big compliment for me since I have big problems with being creative. I'm actually just learning this, so when I can be creative with my clothes, I'm very proud of myself. 😀
(all photos are taken by me)

Take care of yourself and be healthy!!!

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