Lesson for me from project failure

Good Monday to all our creative community!!! I hope this week has been productive for you and that you are doing well!

Several months passed before I returned to my lilac jacket again. Yes, for me this project is a real challenge. This tests my strength🥴 😁
I have already unraveled the sleeves almost halfway several times. But this time I had to unravel the top of the sweater. It beat me and I gave up for these few months. The fact is that the openwork pattern I chose is of course very beautiful, but not at all suitable for the shoulders.

The canvas does not lie neatly on the shoulders and bulges very unattractively.

For quite a long time I couldn’t bring myself to redo this section of the canvas and the jacket just lay there before my eyes. I deliberately put it so that I could see it every day in the hope that I would be motivated to work. Unfortunately no! 😩It didn't work. 🥴
And then one day I was finally able to pick up my knitting and begin to unravel the top of the fabric of the back of the sweater and the two parts of the front. 😭😭😭
I decided to replace the openwork pattern with a simple pattern that I used for the bottom of the sweater.

Of course, this was very inferior to the previous option. Compare them!

I finally finished redoing the top of the sweater. In this version, the canvas on the shoulders lies much neater.

It is no longer bristling with ugly folds.

So I can praise myself: I did it! I unraveled the bad part of the project canvas and fixed everything right!

Only now can I return to the sleeves of this sweater.
From this failure of mine with the project, I learned a lesson for myself: not every beautiful pattern is suitable for the purpose I would like! You need to be prepared for the fact that the original idea will not work. To be honest, this lesson was hard for me: it took me almost six months. 😟
(all photos are taken by me)

Take care of yourself and be healthy!!!

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