Crochet teddy bear

Loving and admiring a skill is easy but struggling to learn that skill is not easy. Mostly people just stop learning something that they actually love just because they are tired of journey of learning.

Crochet projects always inspires me, and i always wanted to learn this skill but it was quite difficult.

I made my first crochet project a few weeks ago~ when i have bought new needle and thread. It wasn't something so big, i just made one chain and made a simple rectangle but still for me it was a great achievement.

I went straight to my friend's dm who have great grip in crochet, i showed her my first project and told her that i have made this in 2 hours. She laughed and said this is good but 2 hours is too much i can make whole cap in 2 hours.

It wasn't a big thing but still it hurts me, even i stopped practicing crochet after my first project and convinced myself that not every skill is made for everyone.

But last night i got some motivation again and i have decided to do crochet again. I have never practiced crochet after my first project, that's why it's not so perfect but now i know that we can learn anything if we actually want to learn it.

So let's begin with the process...,


I have started making teddy bear by making two circles of crochet... first circle was little messy but the second one was quiet better.

After making circles i have attached both circles together with the help of thread. And filled the circle with makeup remover pads... because i didn't have cotton for filling inside the face of teddy.

After making base for face i have started making ears of the teddy bear.

After that i have attached ears to the teddy bear's face with glue because i tried to attach ears with thread but it was difficult that's why I skipped the idea and attached them with hotglue.

And in last step i made crochet with white thread and attached it with face.

And here's the final result of teddy bear 👇

That's it for today will be back with another exciting idea soon bye bye😁😁

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