I stand amazed

These are plants I see everyday in my garden yet some have the power to make me stop in my steps and take a deep breath. The power that nature has over my emotions is so amazing. It can calm me, stimulate me, fill me with joy and profoundly grieve me when I see the destruction that it can cause around me. Just looking at these stunning purples, pinks and subtle gold edges leaves me spell bound, I stare in amazement.

I go into that space which I call succulent garden and something catches my eyes. These little rosettes. I am speechless once again, these little wonders grow on leaves, yes, this Kalanchoe (mother of thousands) produces so many pups at the tips of leaves. I pick them before these lil babes fall off the leaves and get swept away with the dirt. I did a photo shoot with them later in the day. I'll show them in another post about succulents.

These jatropha blooms small as they are attract me with their rich color, the closer I get to them and the attention I pay to the finer details make me wonder if these are real. Look at the centers and you'll know what I mean. Amazing flowers and buds, like a piece of skillful embroidery.

Take a look at these yellow poinsettia flowers, yes, these are the actual flowers of these ivory colored poinsettias. The bracts which give the plant color are actually modified leaves. These funny looking flowers have ants walking in and out of them as if they are dipping into their baths. Even if you didn't stop by them for their beauty (which is impossible) they still have the power to draw a smile from you due to their funny appearance.

I spot a butterfly, I rush to it with my camera to take a picture, then I realize it's the chains of glory buds are beginning to bloom. We are going to have a flower shower very soon. I can't wait for that spectacle to happen.

How many flowers are there in one flower? No, I am not kidding just look at this flower closely, it changes shape every day and it looks like there are at least four kind of flowers (maybe more) in the same flower. No wonder the butterflies love them so!

These seed pods so pregnant with seeds, they seem to talk about a bright and beautiful future. I just cannot imagine the color that these seeds inside could produce if they were all given a chance to grow and bloom. These hybrid morning glories are so prone to attacks by white flies that it is hard to see them bloom to their potential.

A million little stars in my horizon! This asparagus fern twinkles with beauty. I love the way it winds around my porch and weaves its way into my heart. The tiny red fruits add to the beauty of this lush, green veining fern.

Then there are these golden beauties who dance in the breeze in the chill November wind. The yellow alder or turnera ulmifolia is a stunning beauty when pruned and grown as a bush. I found this plant growing on the edge of a storm water drain, I brought home a small cutting not wanting to let my greed rob others walking by from enjoying its beauty. Sadly after a couple of weeks when I waked through the same path I discovered that the plant was pulled off by the government workers who were cleaning the storm water drains. My little cutting is still small and needs much care,to be true to its potential.

Here is something sweet for you on this beauty show, some cotton candy for you. Isn't she a beauty? She loves the sun and enjoys being sun kissed.

Thanks for swinging by, have a lovely day.

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