Natural boon : A beautiful and efficient nest-making bird Ploceus philippinus (Baya, Sonchidi)

Hello friends, how are you all? I hope you all are well. Friends, in this universe, all living beings have been given some specialty. Not only this, arrangements have also been made for their sustenance. All birds have been given beaks, and grains have also been made. Among all living beings and birds, man has been made the smartest by giving him intelligence. He can make all his decisions himself. But due to a lack of sufficient intelligence in living beings, birds, and other living beings, nature has kept them under its control to some extent.

This is a very big subject, we do not have to get into its controversy. But nature has given some skills to these living beings from birth. Seeing this, we humans also get surprised sometimes. Friends, we see that there are some birds in nature, whose nest-making skills surprise us a lot. Despite being such a small creature, it makes a very beautiful nest while taking care of its safety. Friends, today I am going to tell you about one such bird. Which makes a very beautiful nest. Which we also call "Sugaran" or "Baya" in the village. Its scientific name in English is "Ploceus philippinus". In Hindi, it is also called "Sonchidi". Friends, I have seen this bird very closely in my childhood. Last week when I was in the village and I went to my farm, I saw some of their nests on the trees growing in the enclosure of our old well.

My childhood memories were refreshed, we used to watch them making their nests in childhood, and we used to stand there near that tree and watch for a long time. Friends, this bird is so smart that it builds its nest in such a place where it cannot be easily found by any creature like a human or snake. Hence, it builds its nest at the end of a big tree. It chooses a tree or a plum tree on the edge of a field to build its nest. Its skill of making its nest beautiful, carved, and safe is tremendous. We used to see it weaving its nest by taking out each thread-like strip of sugarcane leaves from the sugarcane field with its beautiful beak. It chooses trees with long leaves. Its weaving is amazing. To go to its nest hanging at the end of a tree, it makes a long tunnel, from where it goes to its nest. On going inside, there is a special arrangement for laying eggs and for the children. Which is very soft.

To make it soft, it keeps cotton or cotton-like things there. Friends, the specialty of this nest is that no matter how strong the wind blows, the eggs or the babies cannot fall from it. See, it is amazing, isn't it? And the tunnel that goes to their nest is also of special importance. When it rains, they get wet and before going inside, they rub the walls of the tunnel and the water remains there, so that the babies do not feel wet. Isn't it an amazing bird? Friends, they make nests in a colony in a flock. When I went near our old well, all the birds flew away from there, I wish I could take their photos.

But then a crow came and sat there. I was taking photos of the nest, then I saw, this rogue crow was ruining their nest, maybe it was trying to eat their eggs. But it is not that easy. It was taking a lot of effort to uproot it. See how strong it is? I chased it away from there. It ran away. I kept thinking about the artistry and skill of those birds. You can see closely in the image, how beautiful it is. Friends, if you also liked it, then please comment. Thank you.

Disclaimer:This post is originally written in Hindi by me. English is not my first language. and I have taken the help of Google Translate to translate it into English.
User Name@mulik369
Camera DeviceVivo Y20G
LocationPanvel New Mumbai ,Maharashtra,India
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