We all need to be aware of the proper management and release of everything we use on a daily basis into the environment.

Hello my loving Hivers,

How are ou guys? Greetings from Sri Lanka. Due to everyday's power cut here I was delayed to put blog recently. But today I got chance to publish this with valuable ideas. Indeed, in a society where the needs of the people are rapidly evolving, urbanization, deforestation for various development activities, and the amount of vegetation being cut down for the necessities of daily life are increasing day by day. With deforestation, global warming is increasing, with more and more greenhouse gases being added to the atmosphere, including carbon dioxide. Due to this increase in global warming, a number of adverse conditions such as changes in rainfall patterns, depletion of groundwater resources, further increase in dryness in arid regions and floods have had a severe impact on humankind. Here it is more important to keep a balance between development and environmental protection.





The only thing that everyone should obey is nature. The fate of many who thought of advancing against nature is tragic. Delays in protecting the environment will affect not just one individual but the entire human community. It is a fact that we are already well aware that it is real. Nature has given us an environment full of all resources for human beings as well as all living beings to live comfortably. But man is polluting the land, water and air that are its lifeblood day by day. Polythene, plastic and other toxic waste are engulfing the environment. It is important for all of us to understand that this needs to be addressed.




The role of vegetation cannot be underestimated. These include photosynthesis, providing oxygen to living things, providing wood fuel medicine, protecting and nourishing the soil, protecting soil and water sources, preventing landslides, and minimizing environmental pollution.





Although human direct or indirect activities have a profound effect on climate change, every citizen can be involved in this national responsibility by planting a single plant to curb it. Also, adopt a simpler lifestyle, tend to consume more natural materials, plant a tree whenever possible and contribute to its preservation, make compost manure from home waste, use it in the garden, recycle plastic paper and polythene discarded at home, and green. The public can also contribute to mitigating climate change through measures such as purchasing.



Sustainable development cannot be achieved, especially in a country without sustainable conservation. In such a situation, the media can also play a huge role in educating the public about the value of protecting the environment. Individually, as an organization, as a business, we must all work together to take immediate action to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Energy use in homes as well as businesses can be reduced.

@madushanka (2).gif






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