The sea of tranquility at the lagoon beach - the beagle has landed

Life at the lagoon is just marvelous. What more do you need in life? The tide is low and the day is lengthening toward imminent spring time here on the southernmost shores of Africa.

Boats lie in wait for any happy soul who wishes to cross over to the other side. Which we all have to do in the end, isn't it?


What a time of transition. The opportunity to cross over sometimes becomes easy as a window of opportunity opens up for a moment and the tide recedes. Now the water in the lagoon is shallow enough to wade across to the dunes on the beach in the distance.
We all await our time to go. Day by day it draws closer. When will it be your turn to go to "The Island". You may remember the movie of that name. As the days grow less with every rising and setting if the sun, we never really think of our time to cross over, unless something happens to force us to remember that this too shall pass.
Life is temporary. We will all cease to exist in our own time. Until then, we watch and wait our turn. Are you ready? It could come at any time. Time and tide wait for no one.

Until then we live in the moment, in the now, because there is nothing else. Past and future are constructs in our minds. Here I find myself in the eternal moment of the Spotless Beach. It allows me to empty the mind of clutter and to become calm and peaceful, like the surroundings.

This region on the south Cape coast of Africa is, in my opinion, based upon decades of research in beachology, is the best. It takes first prize, which is why I've spent the last 17 years here. It doesn't get better than this. Life here is beautiful.

From this wide open and empty shoreline with its lagoon and beach, I've observed the cycles of life pass by season by season like clockwork in a predictable fashion. Life has its beginning and end, as sure as death and taxes, neither of which I have any personal experience of. I only hear rumors of the two and see it happen around me.


Still my time will come. As with us all, our opportunities will arise to cross the divide and land on the other side, though the water may be wide, for there's no place to hide.

From up above, the view of the lagoon and Indian Ocean looks even more epic. This is the whale tail lookout point from where one can spot whales in the bay at this time of year. This week I saw more whales at once than I've ever seen before in this bay. Around six or eight floating along in a line just behind the waves.

With winter here in the south, I glimpsed a slight dusting of snow on the highest peak a few days ago. It only lasted a few days before evaporating in the sun. It's an epic sight to stand on a warm sunny beach in winter and observe the snow in the distance. That's as close as I get to the snow here. You can hardly see it in the photo.

This is the place to be, at the sea of tranquility, where we meet our destiny, awaiting final liberty, for in our time we'll all be free. Everything comes to those who wait, "memento mori". So why not wait in a beautiful place, like this Bahia Formosa, meaning Beautiful Bay, as the Portuguese explorers named it hundreds of years ago. Today it's called Plettenberg Bay, and is still the most beautiful bay in the land.

Photos my own. Written and published via my mobile device onto the Hive blockchain from the beach.

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