Forest monkeys passing by on the southern shores of Africa

Today I want to show you some interesting little snapshots which I managed to capture very much in the moment.


I'm currently at a forest location as I travel along the shoreline of the African southern stretch of paradise. I managed to capture some photos of the local forest monkeys as they passed by recently. They are a cute little bunch.


It looks like the troop is made up of a family consisting of a leader and diverse others of all ages. They have become quite used to seeing humans around and so we are not too scared.

And fortunately neither are they particularly dangerous. The only concern is that they may try to enter through an open window somewhere around the house. This means keeping the windows closed ot at least under observation when they're open, which can be a bit of a bother.


They seem to make it an almost daily pastime to troop on by, looking for scraps to eat. Today I managed to capture a few of them on camera which, although rather bland looking, is actually quite rare .

Usually they are too fleeting and I'm unable to catch them on camera. Today I was lucky and you can see them here in these photos. And notice how tame they appear to be.

Life here on the southern shore of Africa can be a real outdoor adventure as I'm sure you can imagine. It's a beautiful experience to be so closely connected to nature and all its purity and untamed power.


As you can see in the photographs, the day is quite gray and overcast. This is quite unusual for us here in the south since it is meant to be summertime. Somehow the rains have persisted throughout this past year and now continue to overshadow the entire experience, particularly for holiday makers who may now be traveling or outdoors enjoying the summer holidays.


The monkeys never stay for longer than a few seconds or perhaps a few minutes at most. Usually they are merely passing by and may just spend a little while under roof of the house admiring the situation from up there while we admire them from done below.

They have the full run of the forest and the trees while we are bound to remain grounded upon the Earth where we belong. The monkeys can claim the trees and the forests for themselves. I am content to merely spend a little while here on the forest edge until I pick up the pace and continue on to my next destination, in a lifelong journey traveling from one beautiful nature spot to another.


I'm sure wherever you are you might also occasionally see such curious little forest monkeys. Of course you might be somewhere in a city or suburb which is something quite different from my world.

Here on the southern coast of Africa life is very simple and frugal - collecting wood to make a fire from the forest, collecting rainwater for all needs, and collecting sunshine to charge a battery that provides the only source of power.


Such as the frugal life of the hermit and yogi and writer traveling the long road through this lifetime, never really settling, just wondering ever onward, evolving with newer and richer experiences by the day.

Photos my own

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