Along The Less-Traveled Path

He always loved to go for walks and would often take the less-traveled, mostly unpaved paths. That day was no different, after enjoying coffee and a light breakfast, he was on to explore the newly-bulldozed farm road for his morning adventure.

From there, he decided to hike up to wherever his feet would take him. He expected surprises not so far ahead and he wasn't disappointed. These flowering Sowthistle got his eyes. "This is going to be a fun adventure!" he mused as he marched on.

As he climbed the curve, he found yet another present for him to enjoy. "Nothing gets better than these!" he smile as he bent over to smell the little flowers. Nature certainly has a lot of magic, this being one of them.

His excitement grew as he paced further to be surprised once more. "Spring does make things bloom noh?" he muttered loudly as if he was talking to the bee.

Turning to his right, there was another, settled silently on one of the Black Jack's flowers. The days are getting warmer and the bees seem to love to explore too.

He slowly walked away not wanting to bother them. And passing through a narrow path, he came across a flowering Deutzia. They seem to be becoming more common in the area. He also saw these type on his previous walks on the hill close to where he lives.

Before he totally got lost in thoughts, he went on to his walk. And not far away, he found yet another blooming Uraria. Their flowers are certainly beautiful but these type of weeds are quite nasty when they crawl all over one's farm. They can choke plants along their way.

His walk took him to a corn farm overtaken by wildflowers so it's more like a meadow with some corns thriving on it.

Feeling numbness on his leg, he decided to take some rest. He was about to lie flat amongst the weeds when he heard some tiny chirps close to where he was.

Following the sound, he discovered two baby birds seemingly lost, their nest was nowhere in sight. They might have crawled out from their home! He couldn't just leave them there, could he? And so without delay, he made them a nest out of these colorful wildflowers.

"This could keep you safe until your mom come get ya," he said as he gently tucked them down safely and then went on to carry his day's adventure.

This little piece was inspired by various photos of amazing wildflowers and others randomly taken on different occasions.

Photos my own. 080922/09:43ph

Smile... laugh often... love more... be happy and grateful always!

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