Stunning Natural View from Kutamaka Peak

DSCF4988.JPGA child is enjoying an amazing view in the morning from the peak of kutamalaka

Puncak Kuta Malaka is a hill located in Kutamalaka District, Aceh Besar district.

From the top of the peak, we have an amazing view with the background of Seulawah Agam. Seulawah Agam is a mountain in Aceh which is located between the districts of Aceh Besar and Pidie District, Aceh.

DSCF4997.JPGa child is playing with his brother on the peak of kuta malaka cheerfully

The top of the peak is often used as a campsite by local tourists, usually students from Banda Aceh and Sigli spend the night making camping events with their friends.

Besides that, local communities and outside communities also often make activities above the peak of kutamalaka.

DSCF4985.JPGA beautiful woman is holding a forest flower in her hand and is posing for a photo with the background of the sunrise from Mount Seulawah Agam


In addition to the beautiful scenery in that place, it is also easy to get clean water, not far from the peak there is a tributary whose water can be consumed both for cooking and for drinking.

But did you know that under the peak there is also a very beautiful waterfall?

if you visit the peak of kutamalaka it is not perfect if you have not been to the waterfall.


But in the future we will discuss about the Kutamalaka waterfall, for this post we will finish it first.

see you in the next episode.

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