Valley of Vultures Landscape pictures

I already showed you some pictures from the Vultures I found in the "Valley of Vultures" in this article here: Visiting the Valley of Vultures. Now I want to show you also some landscape pictures I did there. During our hiking trip in the province of Salzburg we did a lot of landscape pictures, but also pictures of birds and several Macro shots where created there by me. Some of them I already showed you and some I will show you in further posts here on Hive for sure. But I always want to keep a little bit of variety on the topics of my posts here so it is not so boring as if I post everything at once or only one kind of picture (animals, landscapes, macro, longtimeexposure shots, .....) This is why I try to combine some pictures to one topic and create a little story of how the pictures emerged.

Mountainscape at the Valley of Vultures. Picture: Florian Glechner.

Camera usedNikon D5100
Lens usedNikor 18-105mm lens
Filter usednone
Exposure Time1/500 Seconds
Aperture usedF13
Focal Length105 mm
Time01:36 pm

This year we finally made it to place where the vultures live in a big mountain wall and we also were able to take several pictures of them. You can find the pictures of the vultures in the post I liked to in this article. We had the big luck that we had a very nice weather this day and there where only "beauty" clouds in the sky. Because the last years when we wanted to actually get to the place where the vultures live, every time we nearly got there the weather turned back and forces us to turn back. But this time we actually got there and also were lucky in seeing several vultures flying.

Beautiful path to the valley of vultures. Picture: Florian Glechner.

Camera usedNikon D5100
Lens usedNikor 18-105mm lens
Filter usednone
Exposure Time1/500 Seconds
Aperture usedF13
Focal Length64 mm
Time01:39 pm

Mountains with waterfalls on the left and right side of the valley. Picture: Florian Glechner.

Camera usedNikon D5100
Lens usedNikor 18-105mm lens
Filter usednone
Exposure Time1/500 Seconds
Aperture usedF13
Focal Length105 mm
Time01:38 pm

Steep walls to both sides of the valley. Picture: Florian Glechner.

Camera usedNikon D5100
Lens usedNikor 18-105mm lens
Filter usednone
Exposure Time1/1600 Seconds
Aperture usedF13
Focal Length105 mm
Time01:45 pm

Eventhough the walls on both sides of the valley are very steep, the path is rather convenient. Picture: Florian Glechner.

Camera usedNikon D5100
Lens usedNikor 18-105mm lens
Filter usednone
Exposure Time1/2000 Seconds
Aperture usedF13
Focal Length18 mm
Time10:41 am

A lot of small waterfalls can be found during the hike back there. Picture: Florian Glechner.

Camera usedNikon D5100
Lens usedNikor 18-105mm lens
Filter usednone
Exposure Time1/1600 Seconds
Aperture usedF13
Focal Length105 mm
Time01:02 pm

Small Waterfall. Picture: Florian Glechner.

Camera usedNikon D5100
Lens usedNikor 18-105mm lens
Filter usednone
Exposure Time1/100 Seconds
Aperture usedF22
Focal Length105 mm
Time1:58 pm

trees and meaddows keep the mountain green in summer. Picture: Florian Glechner

Camera usedNikon D5100
Lens usedNikor 18-105mm lens
Filter usednone
Exposure Time1/2000 Seconds
Aperture usedF13
Focal Length105 mm
Time3:12 pm
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