Yellowstone National Park: Amazing Colors of Nature (II)

Hello friends!

We return to a spectacular natural place, where nature is the sole and total protagonist of everything we see, we feel in a special place, where everything is shown in an impressive, colorful, alive, and different way. We return to Yellowstone National Park.

We have already seen some of its attractions and surprising phenomena of water and fire, but there is much more, and the hundreds of photos attest to it, wonders anywhere in such an immense natural park. And colors, many impressive colors in amazing places.

Almost supernatural landscapes, where the colors of nature become strange but attractive, spaces that seem from another world, where different elements and substances solidify, dry, become humid, and change shades, creating incredible scenarios that the camera photo immortalizes without the need for filters or anything else. Everything is natural.

And after those places that are almost difficult to describe, we return to water, but not only boiling water, burning with life, and with pulsating bubbles of heat, but also those spontaneous combinations of sediments, stones and substances that create on the earth colorful water holes!

Unlike black holes in space, on this earth, water holes are multicolored, as if said trapped water trapped the colorful light of rainbows in a hole in the ground at which we gaze with fascination. And we think if they are fantasy entrances to another magical world of more beautiful colors.

We look again and again, and many more times, we pass on walkways through many more of these holes of colorful water, we do not get tired of that effect of nature, which surprises and marvels us again, because nature is always amazing.

And if we now look up again instead of at the ground, the colors chase us, because as we mentioned before, there are real rainbows too, really, and everything becomes even more magical, more amazing and more colorful. There are different colors, more vivid or almost still life, there is a multi-chromatic natural symphony that envelops us and fascinates us.

A spell of different sensations, of colors of light that seem to be absorbed in different waters, whether calm from mysterious holes in the earth, or moving waterfalls that never stop and are accompanied by those beautiful rainbows that we like so much.

We continue seeing photos, we continue seeing wonderful places, where nature reminds us of its wonderful power, its power that perhaps is magical, and that in Yellowstone has enchanted us.
Still more soon...

Yellowstone, National Park, USA🇺🇸❤️North America

More about Yellowstone here:

Thanks for reading! Have an amazing and nice day.

The text is totally mine and the photos too, by ©Duvinca - NO AI

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