The Iguazú Falls: Nature & Wild Animal Life

Hello people!

Last moments in paradise before leaving. We have explored almost the entire park, the Iguazu Falls National Park where we have been impressed by the majestic and powerful waterfalls. We have also sailed the river that forms the border between the countries, Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay, and we have enjoyed the natural environment and all the vegetation that surrounded us.

But there is also animal life, and although we did not have enough time to go through all the rest, we have been able to see some curious animals, and once again feel the sensation of being in an environment full of lush vegetation and wild nature.


We have travelled through fantastic green spaces, wild and leafy, forests of palmettos as specified by some signs we found, and knowing that there were some animals hidden in that area, which finally appeared...


Among the vast vegetation, we had to look everywhere, we felt like those old explorers who discovered new places crossing unknown jungles, and in the end, we were surprised by some small ring-tailed animals that we did not know.

It is the ring-tailed coati (Nasua nasua), and it is a species from South America, so it is logical that it is found in this habitat and in this natural park. And as you can see in the photos, they are curious animals, nervous but at the same time harmless, or perhaps accustomed to finding people on natural paths. Suddenly we had several around without being scared, simply doing what they had to do, without caring that we were watching them. Funny.

Then we saw that they are somewhat mischievous animals, they were trying to get food from the garbage bins in the park, maybe they were just curious, or they were bored, because they are well cared for. It was a different and funny moment.

More Animals

And there are many more animals, others not so easy to see, in fact there is a specific bird park next door, but we also saw some free, exotic and beautiful ones, just looking up at the trees.

And as for flying animals, even the smallest ones caught our attention: butterflies! They also live happily and peacefully and even land on people's hands, on my friend's, while I was able to take some photos too. One of them seemed to have a number 88 on its wings, what a curious drawing and how beautiful they all are.

The truth is that we saw a few more, especially birds, but we were not always prepared to take the photo before they flew away, so we were left without any more memories, but the sound of the water is still in my head, reminding me of this incredible natural experience, in the Iguazú National Park, where you can definitely enjoy the amazing nature with all your senses.

Here we end this incredible and fantastic journey through the most vivid, intense and beautiful nature that we have ever seen and felt. I hope you liked it. And if you want to see the other parts here on my previous posts:

Iguazú Falls, Argentina, Brazil (& Paraguay)🇦🇷🇧🇷❤️South America

Thanks for reading! Have an amazing and nice day.

The text is totally mine and the photos too, by ©Duvinca - No AI

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