
NĂŁo aguento mais as redes sociais e o que elas se tornaram. Eu odeio reclamar da vida, mas nesse vĂ­deo eu to muito puto!

Bro, qual foi a Ășltima vez que vocĂȘ viu conteĂșdo de qualidade na internet? As pessoas sĂł querem vĂ­deos curtos agora. NĂŁo sei se sĂł eu, mas acho impossĂ­vel fazer conteĂșdo de qualidade em 30 segundo ou 1 minuto.

É simples, nĂŁo cabe todas informaçÔes. Por isso todos esses vĂ­deos sĂŁo sĂł entretenimento vazio. É sĂł uma coisa pra vocĂȘ passar. E passar. E vocĂȘ fica passando pra sempre em um loop eterno. É certo, ninguĂ©m gosta disso de verdade. SĂł que as pessoas ficam presas. Todo mundo fica assistindo isso.
Msm quem fala que nĂŁo assiste!

NĂŁo aguento mais shorts em Youtube, tiktok etc. E nĂŁo to puto porque nĂŁo consegui me adaptar. E isso tem nĂșmeros. Com os shorts meus canais bombaram muito. Poderia estar satisfeito com vĂ­deos batendo 2 milhĂ”es por dia. Poderia calar a minha boca e continuar seguindo minha vida. Ganhando grana assim.

NĂŁo consigo ver certas coisas e dizer que tĂĄ ok. VĂ­deos dessa forma deixou geral ansioso.

Criança desenvolvendo ansiedade e depressĂŁo por causa disso. Ficam metralhando o feed o dia inteiro. Eu nĂŁo consigo ver um filme inteiro. Comenta aqui em baixo. Se vocĂȘ consegue assistir sem mexer no celular. Pra mim Ă© impossĂ­vel. Eu to ansioso demais. E eu nunca tinha tido problema com isso antes. Os feeds onde vocĂȘ os Reels/tiktoks Ă© como uma roleta de cassino. Chega no final no dia vocĂȘ nem lembra o que assistiu.

O youtube estĂĄ colocando dinheiro nisso. 60% das minhas views sĂŁo de vĂ­deos curtos. Uma pessoa que estĂĄ a 9 anos criando conteĂșdo na plataforma. O youtube quer um conteĂșdo frenĂ©tico que te prenda assistindo. E isso Ă© muito sombrio. Nenhuma empresa grande estĂĄ preocupada com sua saĂșde mental.

Como eu trabalho com isso. Quando começou os vídeos curtos eu jå sabia que iria explodir. Analisando as métricas eu råpido criei a estratégia e comecei a postar vídeo curto. E hoje no @skaters nos fazemos 1 vídeo longo por semana e shortos todos os dias. Em 1 ano nosso canal fez mais de 200 milhÔes de views.

Mesmo com todo esse esforço parece que nada acontece. Antigamente pessoas falando que legal o vídeo novo e hoje pessoas perguntam: não postam mais vídeo? E postamos todo dia!

NĂŁo existe essas armadilhas por aqui!
É por isso que eu amo a Hive!

O que vocĂȘ acha sobre isso?

I can't stand social media anymore and what they've become. I hate to complain about life, but in this video I'm very angry!

Bro, when was the last time you saw quality content on the Internet? People just want short videos now. I don't know if it's just me, but I find it impossible to make quality content in 30 seconds or 1 minute.

It's simple, it doesn't fit all the information. That's why all these videos are just empty entertainment. It's just something for you to pass. And pass. And you're always passing through an eternal loop. That's right, nobody really likes that. It's just that people get stuck. Everybody's watching this.
Even those who say they don't watch!

I can not stand more shorts on Youtube, tiktok etc. And I'm not brave because I could not adapt. And that has numbers. With the shorts my channels pumped a lot more. I could be satisfied with videos hitting 2 million a day. I could shut up and keep moving on with my life. Making money like that.

But I can't see certain things and say it's okay. The content in this way made everyone anxious.

Children developing anxiety and depression because of this. They've been stumling up the feed all day. I can't watch a whole movie. Comment down here. If you can watch without touching your phone. It's impossible for me. I'm too anxious. And I've never had a problem with that before. The feeds where you reels/tiktoks are like a casino roulette. You arrive at the end of the day you don't even remember what you saw.

Youtube is putting money into it. 60% of my views are from short videos. A person who has been creating content on the platform for 9 years. Youtube wants frantic content that holds you watching. And that's very dark. No big company is concerned about your mental health.

How I work with it. When the short videos started I already knew it would explode. Analyzing the metrics I quickly created the strategy and started posting short video. And today in @skaters we make ourselves 1 long video a week and shorts every day. In 1 year our channel made more than 200 million views.

Even with all this effort it seems that nothing happens. Formerly people saying that cool new video and today people ask: do not post more video? And we post every day!

There are no such traps around here!
That's why I love Hive!

What do you think about that?



Youtube Link:

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Creator of the channel 3Sskaters with more than 3 million subscribers. Currently managing 5 channels on Youtube and a team of 10 people. Dedicating my energy to the goal of living in California.

I am interested in exploring the web 3.0 universe and its endless possibilities of work. If you like this content remember to support! I will reply to everyone in the comments! Goodbye!






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What STOKEN plans to bring to Hive ïżœïżœ

Unique name, and meme-ified branding that will stand out above the hard to find Hive brand.

Real world events tied to web3 content creation.

Attracting non crypto content creators, into web 3.0

Exciting content to bring in non crypto audience.

Focus on onboarding large, existing communities i.e: Reddit skateboarding: 385k members, and Redbull: 10 million YouTube subscribers.

NFTs. Plans include real world utility, fund raising, and future gamification.
DTF ( Decentralized Token Fund )

Stoken DAO: Decentralized voting system to allow the community to sponsor athletes, content creators, influencers, and real world events.

A new token for you to earn for doing Hive stuff!

Possibility of future airdrop of governance tokens. 

Stoken Tribe Is Coming On Hive

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STOKEN will be an extreme sports tribe in which people can get rewarded for doing what gets them, and others stoked using the power of web 3.0 and communities.

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