Making delicious eatable thing is blessing..

Hey chums, the post regarding chaaat that is contributed with you all and it must be realized as the picture of the day. I hope! Diction and the post must be voted and your support is everything for me even I am grateful to you all since your appreciation has grown me up.

Image source taken by me

It was the ever best day since I made Chaat myself even it was enjoyed by my all family members. When our family members eat to enjoy the things and those things are cooked by us, it gives inner pleasure that we are able to make the things to satisfy our kinships. As I prepared Chaat my elder brother asked me to serve him with it, I pass him a plate of it while eating he started praising my cooked Chaat, honestly speaking I felt myself a worth person among my kinships since I can do everything whichever I want.

Reality is that, I capture some snaps of Chaat and I made them as the pictures of the day as well. I have imagined that life is nothing when you are not able to get attention someone's and attention is caught through skill then skill would be of anything yet that art helps you to reach the top of your destination. I always try to innovate something new which would be the reason of being celebrity, if anyone want to become a celebrity, he/she will have to sacrifice many a desire even they will have to move on being social for the time being.

I am thankful to God, Who has made me able to face the world without any hesitation. Actually, it is mercy upon me from God, Who has blessed me with such skill and bestowed me such hands which are admired given cooking. Thank God for blessing me..

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