Fictional Reflections

Yesterday, I wrote the first fiction story I have written since the stroke, just to see how it would go. I have been scared to write any fiction, because I really used to enjoy it, but it just isn't the same as it was, it doesn't flow. The story is perhaps "semi-fiction" in some way, as there are some bits of it that describe some of the real struggle I have.

The result wasn't great.


However, I have always tried to maintain my writing under "any conditions" which means that regardless of what is happening in my life or how I feel, I will still write something. This has meant that I have written when I have been sad, angry, happy, tired, with very high fevers, when drunk, when my daughter has been in hospital, when I have been in hospital, when I am in a rush, when I am depressed, when I have lost people I have loved, when I have been at the highest and the lowest points in my life over the last seven years.

But, I am still shy.

Writing a lot doesn't make me a great writer, but this isn't to say I am a terrible writer either. I am just "a writer". And, because I keep my work always tied to my own experiences in some way, whether it be direct or observational, there is no one else in the world, including AI, that can write like I do. Not yet anyway.

However, because I have written so much daily (this will be my 6424th article here), I can't say that each piece is a piece of gold. There seems to be some kind of expectation these days that everything that is put online for consumption has to be polished, but this is a huge error in my opinion. The reason people expect it perhaps is that there is just so much consumable content online that is being produced by teams and people who are doing it professionally for maximum impact, that it is expected that everything is meant to be of the same standard. It is like having a friend who is a fantastic singer, and then putting them down because they don't sing as well as Adele.

It is a sickness.

However, it is also an error, because what it means is that the content that people consume is all engineered for that impact, which actually takes the reality out of it, the human out of it. Everything is made to be consumed, but very little is actually made to provide nutrition. It is made for the sugar high, not the healthy body. But more than this, it reduces many people's attempts to be creative for themselves, because they know that they can't compete. Just look at how people embraced generative-AI as a way to be creative, when it isn't very creative at all. They are using a tool to do what they cannot do for themselves, like someone marrying a blowup sexdoll for companionship.

What is interesting is that the barrier for being creative has never been lower, but at the same time, we keep reducing the requirements to label something creative. At some point, we will take a morning dump and call the result sitting in the toilet a work of art.

But really, I think that at least part of the reason that so many people have actually reduced their creativity, is firstly because they consume so much content from others that makes them feel like they can't do as well, so why bother. And secondly, because they spend so much time consuming this highly sugary content, they don't actually have the space to develop their own thoughts on any subject with enough substance to write about it, or produce something decent. Or perhaps for some, because of all the time they spend occupying their mind, distracting themselves through a screen, they don't actually observe the world around them and experience all the potential stories that lay in daily life.

Perhaps they aren't moving from the screen much at all?

There are "writing prompts" everywhere in what might be considered the most mundane of circumstances, if only we pay attention and look a little deeper, and spend some time developing our thoughts on it. Each day is filled with joys and frustrations that can be small or large, but each gives an opportunity to reflect upon, to consider why it happened, what it means to us, if it affects other, and how we are going to use it.

Stories are everywhere.

Perhaps we should start by recapturing some of our curiosity from when we were children, where the most epic battles were played out watching an ants nest, or a game could be invented with whatever had fallen from the trees. Maybe then we will start to rediscover that we have always been surrounded by stories, and have always been capable to tell them.

It needn't be fiction.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

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