Across At Myself

As part of my self-development at work, my coach asked if I would do some kind of online aptitude test that he uses with his clients to become a conversation point. Even though I had to pay for it, I didn't mind in this case and the results so far have been interesting. I say "so far" because I haven't had time to actually dive into them yet, as I did the test at work and then well, my real work also had to be done. But I did have a quick glance at my "main strengths" in what they call,

CliftonStrengths Top 5

Which were as follows.


  1. Ideation
    You are fascinated by ideas. You are able to find connections between seemingly disparate phenomena.
  2. Strategic
    You create alternative ways to proceed. Faced with any given scenario, you can quickly spot the relevant patterns and issues.
  3. Analytical
    You search for reasons and causes. You have the ability to think about all of the factors that might affect a situation.
  4. Belief
    You have certain core values that are unchanging. Out of these values emerges a defined purpose for your life.
  5. Individualization
    You are intrigued with the unique qualities of each person. You have a gift for figuring out how different people can work together productively.

These were derived by about a hundred questions where I had to select the most appropriate answer from two statements and the degree it fit me. It took about twenty minutes to complete and get the results, which are obviously results processed on the selections, not by a human.

At the end of the section that breaks these down in more detail, there are a couple of suggestions how I could better apply this, and they seem pretty practical and more importantly, suitable for me. As well as pretty easy to start with.

For instance, in the "Strategic" section, the tips are

Apply Your Strategic to Succeed
Think ahead to gain perspective.

1 - Take time to fully plan your path forward. While you easily see patterns where others see
complexity, it is important to make time to envision these alternative scenarios.

2 - Practice explaining your decision-making process before talking with others. Doing this
ensures people know you have considered different options and opinions to inform your

These are both areas where I tend to gloss over, where I have it imagined in my head, but don't take enough time to paint the picture in the head of others. This means that because they can't get fully onboard my train of thought, they will avoid it altogether. And, while I explain my decision-making, I tend to not have it in an easy to consume form, which combined with my spoken quirks after the stroke, means it is likely to end up quite messy, and again, they are likely to discount it due to ambiguity in delivery.

One of the interesting things that came up in the test was something that I have thought often about before; my approach to improvement. While some work on their strengths to get a a better result, I tend to work on my weaknesses, Both are viable paths, but we tend to have a predilection for one over the other.

And in the other side of the report (which I have only glanced at), there are things that suit my learning style and approach to the negative a bit more. For example in the strategic section, it has "blind spots" to look out for.

Blind spots

1 - When working with others, sometimes they may misinterpret your strong Strategic talents
as criticism. Be mindful of what is already working well and what others have accomplished.

2 - Because you evaluate patterns and pathways so quickly, others might find it difficult to
follow or understand your thought process. Be aware that sometimes, you might have to
backtrack to explain how you got to where you are.

This is nothing earth shattering, but I often see me do exactly these things, where they believe that I am negative when I am looking to shore up weakness and improve strengths. Or, I iterate so fast without being able to bring clarity to the audience, so again, it just ends up a jumbled mess in their minds, because my explanation was a jumbled mess.

We think what we consume.

And, while I go through phases, I want to consume content that makes me think in ways that benefit me, that help me be better, that inspire me to change my behaviors in ways that support my goals. And, I see that reflecting on both the strengths and the weaknesses will allow me to plan ahead at work into an environment that for some time at least, is going to have increased ambiguity and uncertainty, as the entire organization goes through an ownership change.

I don't know what the future holds for me, so I best ensure that I at least know where I can add value, and where I have gaps that might expose me to unnecessary risk. Identifying early means it might be avoided, treatable, or mitigated. Remaining blind and ignorant, means being open to the costs, and then getting punched out of nowhere. Change happens, there is no certainty and surprise situations are always on the cards, but even without knowing what the future holds, one can still be more prepared for change - or less.

Two questions.

  1. If you had to list your main strength and your main weakness, what would they be?

  2. And what conditions would your strength be a weakness, and the weakness a strength?

[ Gen1: Hive ]

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