Step forward with 'Generosity' not for 'Publicity !

"Selflessness of an act must have no element of recognition or payment in expectation. A person who must announce their actions is not acting selflessly" - [Rose, AJ]

Recently, I came across a situation at a beach. Me and my brother pulled out a floating body from water irrespective of the fact that he was unknown to us. We did put all efforts to save him. My cousion get carried away a bit and starts shouting for more gelp from others to save the boy. Though it was failed attempt, we called the security to take the body to hospital.


Everything gets normal afterward, however my cousion started to create a hype of the situation by continously talking about the incident. Even it was a failed attempt he wanted to highlight his heroics efforts and take credit for the valiant try (even though it was both of us, but I remain silent) to save the boy.
As much as I know him, He always seek attention for whatever little things he does in day to day life. And that somewhere irritates me. He started mouthing about the incident whosoever he met on hotel, beach or shops... but a timely intervention by a coconut seller made him to keep his mouth shut.
Such unnecassary mouthing may ends up in getting some trouble. And in this case he may be into legal matters in a different area. The coconut seller at the beach told that the guy died and police came looking for his identity and friend's. And his over talking anf smartness may put him in some problem if he does not stop creating all the fuss.

Into the Limelight

There are many instances in life where people assume themselves to be much superior than others. Such people thinks that whatever they do are better than what others. Even though they lack the basic skills or knowledge. They pretend to handle any situation perfectly. Moreover such personality starts advertise themselves in such a way that they are heroes of today.
They are the overrated people who rate themselves much higher efficiency and calibre than others. For them the effort of others does not matter much. Neither they bother about others opinion
On the others hand there are some personality just opposite to them. I called them under-rated Someone who prefer to stay away from limelight and never seeks any attention. They simply shows their skill and remain silent and confined to a place. Taking the example of above case, even though I was there I did not let people know about my deed in saving the boy (i sighted the body first and alerted my brother). Such personality know about the situation but still pretend to be unknown. It is not their usual tendency to come into limelight. But they always keen to learn and adapt to the situation. They do not need a fake recognistion. We never know in persuit to try out something new we end up messing up of the situation in multiple ways.

Words of Wisdom

Not sure how much my personal opinion matters but, I think, one does not need to keep advertising of incidents to make name for themselves. Being silent of their heroics always give a good reputation. People who tend to over rate themselves may suffer at the hand of karma. Sometime it is necessary to act as dumb after acesssing the situation. Your dumbness may make you a hero too.

If you think you are big, you become small. If you know you are nothing, you become unlimited. That’s the beauty of being a human being." - Jaggi Vasudev,

I find this quote very relevant and realistic. This quotes once suited me in building my career. During my starting days, when everyone was trying to convince the management about their smartness, I prefer to remain limited to my basics. And it proved worthy for me. Excess mouthing does not give you much success in your life.

It is better to remain content to yourself and and live a meaningful life rather than creating a lot of fuss about your deeds and messing around everywhere.


Namaste @steemflow

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