I love being Avisino!


„For a thought to change the world, it must first change the life of the one who expresses it. Let it change to example.“

Albert Camus

Tonight, in my beautiful hotel room, I found myself reflecting on my Avisino journey, on all that has been and on all that I hope will be.

It has been a fairly long journey up to today, which started at the tender age of 18 when I was little more than a teenager and which has seen me become a man.

In this analysis of mine, I started from the human side which, for me, is always the fundamental one.
I've realized that wherever I go, on whatever occasion there is always someone I know and with whom we have a strong bond.
Naturally, in Calabria, this is easier since it's my land; however, I happen to meet in any region of Italy someone with whom I have shared a part of the road.
Here at our assembly, for example, there are the guys from "emoservizi" who sell Avis gadgets, many of the members don't even know that these people exist by buying everything online, I'm honored to have known them for a long time; of course, we hadn't seen each other for at least seven years and they had a hard time recognizing me given the kilos gained eh eh!

Don't worry! I have officially hired a personal nutritionist; Monday we make an appointment and next year these days I will have the physique of Cristiano dehihi.

After recognizing me, however, it was all a succession of hugs and hearty laughter.
I have always believed that human relationships, feelings, emotions are an added value, that something that can elevate and sublimate any experience.

This reflection post of mine fits well into my HiveBloPoMo which today asks to tell about another sublime #Sunday.

My thoughts began after midnight so Sunday had already arrived and is continuing even during the morning of assembly work; obviously Sunday is sublime not only for this but also above all for the assembly itself, for the company of so many friends and loved ones and for the fantastic day spent.

As said yesterday, even today, if Reny had been there it would have been an almost perfect Sunday!

When I talk about perfection I am well aware that it doesn't exist since everything is perfectible, however, days like this are really beautiful and it's hard to find fault with them.

Returning to my reflection, in addition to the many friendships created during these years and which I repeat, for me they are true wealth, I had the opportunity to really travel all over Italy; there hasn't been a province that I haven't visited, I've seen beautiful towns and I've been in cities that I probably would never have visited.

All of this has certainly increased my mental openness and also my culture since every place has its customs and traditions and since travel is a source of culture as it always leads to knowing something new.

From the start and until today I realize that I have grown, that I have changed my character, today I am much stronger, more determined and self-confident and, it would be a lie to deny, that my development does not have many merits Avis

If I rewind the tape, the only sad moments I remember are those in which one of our traveling companions has left us, I think it couldn't be otherwise; for the rest I only remember happy things, joyful moments, lots of laughter, explosive enthusiasm and the desire to change the world.

We really tried together with Claudia, Lucia, Silvia, Lidia, Alice and Damiano, my Sisters and my Brother Avisini but also and above all true Brothers and Sisters in life

Even if the same blood does not flow in our veins, it is blood that binds us!

We have been, and still are, a very strong team and we really put our soul into it; we probably haven't managed to change the world, at least not all of it and indeed, if it has happened, we have only touched a small part of it.
However, we have changed ourselves and we carry that World that we hope for and to which we aspire within, we still bear witness to it today every day, we try to show it to our children.
I really thank these people who are part of our family to all intents and purposes, of the family that Reny and I are trying to build every day of our lives together.

Naturally Avis was and still is above all my territory, I have lived a large part of this journey in my city; by now you will have understood that I live in a beautiful land but tormented by many problems, all situations which, of course, see the hand of man.
With my beloved association, every day, we try to set an example, to be witnesses of what it means to be active and responsible citizens.
Living following the values ​​of honesty, rectitude and coherence that have always distinguished us is our way of showing the world that our Calabria has so much beauty to offer.

Naturally, however beautiful the memories are, we have had many difficult moments, especially in the area; now I'm not talking about our emotional losses but about all the difficulties we encounter every day due to the Italian bureaucracy, due to the distrust and sometimes even the ignorance of the people who, all in all, aren't even the worst things we encounter.
What's worse, what hurts the most, is people's insensitivity to the need of so many people who are sick and for whom a bag of blood makes the difference between life and death.

Blood is the real elixir of life.

Even today, when I hear someone tell me not to donate because he's afraid of the needle, I cringe; Who, after all, isn't afraid of needles?
When I started donating I "shit my ass" out of fear; among other things, right in the first donation made, I met a nurse who probably wanted to be a butcher and she fucking hurt me by twisting and turning that needle in my vein... well, I really have to thank that woman, today she's retired my beauty and I love her so much.
Probably many, if they had tried, would have abandoned after that first experience.

Yes, but what the fuck! Fear only serves to develop courage, all fears must be faced and defeated or at least dominated!

Furthermore, how can I decide not to carry out a gesture that could save a person's life just because of my fear, however unfounded?
What could happen?
What happened to me the first time, that the nurse hurts a little?
And 30 seconds of pain and 5 minutes of a slight burning which, moreover, is not something that always happens but only an exception, are they worth a lifetime?
I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing that since I've been a cacasotto maybe a child is dead I conceive who can sleep quietly after a similar ugliness.

I'm sorry but this is my mental closure that I don't want to abandon.

I don't criticize fear and I'm not saying it's wrong to have it, but it must be faced, especially in important situations such as those of life or death.

For heaven's sake, there are those who can't donate for health reasons and so hats off, since in any case in avis as in many other associations we can still make ourselves useful... if we don't donate blood we could donate some time, right?
Here, a big thank you that I owe to Avis is because she taught me to overcome fears, to be courageous; I don't do anything special when I go to donate and in general I'm nothing special but, as far as I'm concerned, when I see others do this same gesture of mine, I admire them... donors are superheroes for me, real angels on earth.

I went as usual off reflection lol!
I guess it's time to finish and stay there otherwise I risk reaching 2000 words and not realizing it.

Thanks as always for getting to this point, I look forward to hearing your every thought in the comments below.

Hug you!

🔘 🔘 🔘

Brave heart and gentle tongue will take you far into the jungle...

English is not my first language but I try, please forgive any errors.

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